Quick Sony stalk interface question

Posted by: robricc

Quick Sony stalk interface question - 10/05/2002 09:18

Does the Sony stalk interface have to be enabled in Emplode? The install shop just called and is telling me only one button is working. Plus, it's doing the wrong action. Volume up is resulting in a track change.
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Quick Sony stalk interface question - 10/05/2002 09:32

yep you need to tell it wether it is on the left or right as well.

So either you need to get over there and change it yourself or see if they are semi knowlegable and got suitable equipment get them to download emplode and change it them selves
Posted by: robricc

Re: Quick Sony stalk interface question - 10/05/2002 09:34

Thanks. I will enable it later.

This is only the 2nd empeg they've installed. The first one was done 2 years ago in my Isuzu Rodeo.
Posted by: MMorrow

Re: Quick Sony stalk interface question - 12/05/2002 08:44

I doubt that not specifying right or left in the config would result in only one button working. Sounds very similar to the problem I had, which required the tuner module to be returned for warranty repair.

link to that thread