Number of times skipped always 0

Posted by: PaulWay

Number of times skipped always 0 - 27/05/2002 17:03


I've read the FAQ and can't seem to find the answer to my question (which may just mean I didn't search thoroughly enough). What action counts as a 'skip' for the purpose of the 'number of times skipped' display in Emplode? And why is this always zero even though I've often pressed 'fast forward to next song' on some songs only seconds after they've started?

Have fun,

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 27/05/2002 18:21

Skips is not yet implemented in the software.
Posted by: PaulWay

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 27/05/2002 21:13

Damn. Is it just not handled in emplode, or is the player software not recording it?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 28/05/2002 09:58

Is it just not handled in emplode, or is the player software not recording it?

The player software is not recording it.

I'm looking forward to seeing it implemented, because I've noticed that my custom "Hard LRP" shuffle ("Least Recently Played" with a much less randomization than the default LRP) has a problem...

If I skip a song during the first 5 seconds, it doesn't count as having been played. So when I shuffle on LRP, get a list that begins with all of the songs I already skipped on the last shuffle session.

When the skipped field gets filled in, I'm hoping that I can fix this with a custom shuffle.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 28/05/2002 12:50

they should have it skipped in the first like 15seconds, 5sec u can barley tell what song it is unless you have the info screen on
Posted by: dcosta

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 28/05/2002 19:48

it should count as skipped if the song even appears on the screen... instantaneosly.
As soon as that sucker loads, I mean the instant it is passed to the player, If I hit "next" it should count as skipped....

If I hit "next" "next" "next" "next" "next" "next" "next" "next" really fast, all of those songs should count as skipped.

that's my feeling.
Posted by: dcosta

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 28/05/2002 19:49

Where can I get info on this custom shuffling you mention ?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Number of times skipped always 0 - 28/05/2002 21:51

Where can I get info on this custom shuffling you mention ?

In the "Developer Info" section of the FAQ. I have hesitated putting it into the main FAQ because I still can't get it to work quite right yet. It occasionally does things that I think it shouldn't do.