20gb iPod - FOR SALE

Posted by: bodybag

20gb iPod - FOR SALE - 15/09/2003 14:51

Selling my 20gb iPod (Windows version). I haven't found as much use for it as I initially thought I'd have, so it has to go. I also have a nice little case for it made by Marware. It's kind of a Hard/Soft combo thing. Easy to use in the case and very well protected. I'd like to have $275 for it and I'll cover shipping in the US.

Posted by: drakino

Re: 20gb iPod - FOR SALE - 15/09/2003 23:52

Random question, what version is it. IE, does it have a movable scroll wheel, or one that works like a touchpad. The 3rd possibility would be one of the newest ones, with the four buttons not surrounding the wheel.

I'm just asking this for the benefit of others.
Posted by: bodybag

Re: 20gb iPod - FOR SALE - 16/09/2003 10:31

It is about 8 months old and has the Touchpad style scrolling. Thanks for asking, I forgot about that detail.
