What's an original tuner worth to you?

Posted by: kday

What's an original tuner worth to you? - 21/12/2004 02:05

I have an original tuner that I bought with my mk2a. I used it in a previous car, but I no longer need it since I am using the factory head unit's tuner in my current car. The tuner is used, in the sense that it sat behind my dashboard for about two years. For the last year it has sat in my closet. I will guarantee that it works and even test it before shipping it out.

Now the question is, since I am generally not that thrilled by going to the post office, and since I'm not desperate for money, and finally since it does not take up a lot of space in my closet, is it worth enough to you to make me an offer that gets me off my butt and mails it to you? If not that's okay. Let me know.

I am in the USA, so if you are not, make allowances for postage, customs, etc.
Posted by: smwood

Re: What's an original tuner worth to you? - 21/12/2004 17:36

I live in Boston, so I could pick it up and save you the trip to the post office. Shoot me an email and we can talk about price- or did you want us all to start a mini-eBay on the board?

smwood1974@ hotmail dot com

Posted by: kday

Re: What's an original tuner worth to you? - 22/12/2004 15:22

Well, I was hoping to get some idea of what it's worth, without the hassle of listing it on ebay. After doing a little forum searching and ebay research, it seems like the market price for a tuner is somewhere between $150 and 180 pounds sterling ($344 as of today!). That's a pretty big spread. Does $200 seem reasonable?

My email is kday at ultrameta . org