WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With ?

Posted by: Cris

WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With ? - 06/12/2006 14:15

I am after one of the older style squeezebox's or even a very old Slimp3. I would prefer the version of the squeezebox with the newer style display in it.

If anyone has one knocking about and would like to sell it to me please send me a PM.



(BTW already looked on eBay over the past few months and nothing has come up really.)
Posted by: tahir

Re: WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With - 08/12/2006 10:17

I might have a non functional slimp3 lying around
Posted by: Cris

Re: WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With - 09/12/2006 07:57

Thanks for the offer, but I am not sure if I could fix anything that would be wrong with it.

Basically I am after something that will hang down from under one of my kitchen units, the squeezebox V3 won't fit like this, hence the search for a V2 (or other)

I have thought about a soundbridge, but I am not sure how good the slimserver support is.


Posted by: tahir

Re: WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With - 15/12/2006 09:52

Couldn't you just get some kind of bracket to mount under the unit and then attach a new style SB to it? even a good thick strip of velcro would be enough to support it.
Posted by: Cris

Re: WTB: Anyone Got a Slimp3 or Squeezebox V1/2 They Want To Part With - 15/12/2006 15:58

This is the reason I want a V2, the V3 would hang too low under the unit.

The V2 seems more suited to this type of install. It looks like I will have to keep an eye on eBay.

