WTB: Empeg/Rio Tuner Extension Cable

Posted by: sein

WTB: Empeg/Rio Tuner Extension Cable - 29/03/2008 17:10

Hey all,

I'm looking for an extension cable for the original (not PCATS) tuner. If anyone has one lying around I'd really appreciate a PM.

Posted by: mlord

Re: WTB: Empeg/Rio Tuner Extension Cable - 29/03/2008 18:24

If you don't find one, then the Molex connectors for crimping your own are listed in the Parts thread.

Posted by: sein

Re: WTB: Empeg/Rio Tuner Extension Cable - 29/03/2008 19:49

Oh good idea. I'll order a pair of those on Monday. Can't believe I didn't think of that.