Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE driver?

Posted by: drakino

Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE driver? - 28/10/2002 18:32

I have an IDE drive that failed in my PVR, and am attempting to get data off of it. I figured my best bet was to try and clone the drive using dd under Linux. So, I borrowed the use of an IDE server booted a SuSE 8.1 CD, ran the rescue system, and tried to do a dd between /dev/hdc and /dev/hda. the problem is dd fails with an Input/Optput error once the IDE driver gives up on the drive. Typicially the IDE driver spits out a ton of errors on the syslog screen, and tries to reset the bus a few times. Failing that, it eventually generates the I/O error.

So, is there a way to get around this error? Essentially say that I don't care, just keep trying? If I can get at least the later part of the drive back, there is a good chance I can extract the data off the cloned drive, as I have the needed 16 meg boot file that I can later dd to the front of the new drive.

Hopefully the answer is something simple I can feed the kernel at boot time, and nothing involving a new kernel recompile.
Posted by: drakino

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 28/10/2002 18:50

dd if=blah of=blah conv=noerror seems to be doing the trick, though it's not looking good. Tons of I/O errors still, and no actual data being copied.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 28/10/2002 19:03

Does Mark watch this thread? You may want to send him and email / private message.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE driver? - 28/10/2002 20:38

have an IDE drive that failed in my PVR, and am attempting to get data off of it.

Man, there must be easier ways to see re-runs of Buffy...

Posted by: Daria

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 28/10/2002 20:40

Man, there must be easier ways to see re-runs of Buffy...

Well, not really; They're all already on my TiVo...

Posted by: drakino

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 08:20

Actually for me, it was the first few episodes of Odysses 5 that I was really concerned about. It seems it's not popular enough to be spread around whatever the P2P program is these days.

And it looks like data recovery specialists are my only chance now, as the drive sat running the dd command all night, and didn't recover a single bit of data. Oh well. I am still bitter that the drive failed on the same day I got the external IDE cages to extract shows off of it for archival.
Posted by: peter

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 08:40

it was the first few episodes of Odysses 5

Wow. Whatever that is, its web server doesn't let people it thinks are outside the US look at it...

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 08:44

It's a Showtime (think HBO) scifi show starring Peter Weller and a bunch of other folks you've never heard of. It's not half bad. Kinda like X-Files except with a cohesive plot. Given the fact that Showtime started showing it shortly after they started showing Jeremiah (which I watch now solely to make fun of), it's surprisingly good.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 09:44

Kinda like X-Files except with a cohesive plot.

Yeah, my opinion exactly. It's what X-Files would have been if Chris Carter didn't just make it up as he goes along.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 11:59

He had an idea for the first 5 seasons, or so it looked like. It was just after that...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 12:30

You got that impression? Sucker.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 12:35

You didn't notice the plots got less coherent after the movie?

I suppose he did sort of bumble into the Scully abduction arc when Gillian got pregnant...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 12:42

Less coherent, sure. But it's not like they were coherent to begin with.

To generate a stupid analogy, if I'm here in Raleigh, NC and I want to go to Los Angeles, I can look like I know exactly where I'm going simply by heading west on I-40. But the closer I get to LA, the more it becomes obvious that I have no idea where I'm going.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 12:44

It depends if you realize when you should turn
Posted by: drakino

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 17:20

Jeremiah (which I watch now solely to make fun of)

I'm still not sure what I think of it yet. I've seen up to the 16th episode. So far, I'm keeping with it for all the underlying plot points that are being developed. As usual though, they made NORAD completly different then it really is.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Getting around I/O errors with Linux IDE drive - 29/10/2002 17:38

It doesn't totally fail as far as the overall story arc goes, but each individual episode, with a few exceptions, is so dreadfully plotted, scripted, directed, and acted, it's like they're begging for there to be silhouettes at the bottom of the screen making fun of it.