Glenn Beck

Posted by: russmeister

Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 08:17

Ok, I've seen a lot of things, but this, ur, takes the cake!
Posted by: andy

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 08:31

Very odd. Isn't it kind of strange that the receipt shown only has the food for one person, when there were supposed to have been four people ("Glenn and his wife Tanya and local radio executives") eating ?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 09:30

A) who the heck is Glenn beck?
B) who would want to buy his fork?
C) who would want to buy his fork for $152??
Posted by: andy

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 10:06
Posted by: lockuplever

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 10:56

I was thinking more along the lines of "what is Glenn Beck?".
Also, the fork for $152 shows that the "reserve" has not been met. How much does this clown think a fork is worth?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 20:09

All that the website tells me is that he's on the radio or something. I still fail to see why he is famous enough for someone to sell his fork on ebay, let alone for someone to pay over $150 for it. I've never heard of the guy.
Posted by: russmeister

Re: Glenn Beck - 17/11/2002 22:11

Glenn Beck in a nationally known (for the most part) radio talk show
host that airs his show on a.m. radio stations from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.(eastern time).
Im sure there is a tape delay for the west coast. He mainly concentrates his show
on political issues such as the war on terror, govt issues, and different things like that.

Some freak seems to think he can make a few bucks off this guys fork because of his name. Go figure.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 00:58

Wow. Just wow. I really wouldn't care if the guy walked up to me and shook my hand (I wouldn't know who he was anyway). That's scary that someone's willing to pay $150 for a fork with the remains of his meal.

Just wow.
Posted by: peter

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 02:55

That's scary that someone's willing to pay $150 for a fork with the remains of his meal.

I wonder whether it's worth it to hang round the kitchens of posh restaurants in London village later this month in the hope of getting a Gillian Anderson fork?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 02:59

Why did I know that one was coming?
Posted by: boxer

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 04:29

I can do without knowing who Mr.Beck is, I just want to know what Scrod is? A lifetime in seafood restaurants on both sides of the pond, and I've obviously been missing something!
Posted by: rob

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 04:51

What kind of restaurant expects you to use the same silverware for your main course and your dessert?
Posted by: boxer

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 05:03

I once had a meal at a Chinese in Wetherby, immediately after the bailiffs had been in and taken the cutlery. They nipped out for knives and forks whilst I was having a drink. But asking for a spoon collapsed the whole system.

Scrod I'll answer myself: A young cod or monkfish served in strips, from the Middle Dutch schrode.
Posted by: boxer

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 08:51

Isn't it kind of strange that the receipt shown only has the food for one person

They were obviously going Dutch, which would also explain the choice of main course: Scrod, from the middle Dutch!
Posted by: davec

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 10:05

Scrod I'll answer myself: A young cod or monkfish served in strips, from the Middle Dutch schrode.

IIRC, scrod in New England was whatever kind of fish got in the net that day then made it to the deep fryer. Excluding the types of fish that bring big $$$ like bluefin tuna, etc. of course.

I'd request that he wash the fork before sending it to me, if I were to ever have enough disposable income and lack of common sense to bid in this auction. And what's with blacking out the address on the restaurant? It's not online anywhere or listed at Something smells fishy and it ain't the alleged meal the alleged Mr. Beck allegedly ate with the same fork for all courses except the oysters. I hope he auctions the oyster fork, I need one...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 11:26

I just want to know what Scrod is? A lifetime in seafood restaurants on both sides of the pond, and I've obviously been missing something!

Time to retell Doug's joke...

A businessman travels to Boston for a conference, and hails a cab at the airport. He's heard about the legendary seafood restaurants in the city, and asks the cab driver, "Hey, do you know where I can get scrod around here?". The cab driver says, "Buddy, I've been asked that question a million times in a million different ways. But never in the pluperfect subjunctive before."
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 11:56

rofl...for some stupid reason, I didn't get that the first time around. "Brain fart" I guess.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 11:58

What kind of restaurant expects you to use the same silverware for your main course and your dessert?

The American kind. Happens to me all the time.
Posted by: rob

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 12:48

I guess I've been lucky with my choice of restaurants in the US so far!

Posted by: peter

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 12:53

What kind of restaurant expects you to use the same silverware for your main course and your dessert?

The American kind. Happens to me all the time.

What, even in fish restaurants? [obelix]These Americans are crazy![/obelix]

Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 13:11

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like in nicer restaurants you get new your everyday steakhouses and such, you don't get more unless you ask for it.
Posted by: acurasquirrel_

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 13:18

Yeah most of the time they bring the dessert with a spoon in it
Posted by: lectric

Re: Glenn Beck - 18/11/2002 22:48

Hrmm.... At $35 an entree, it should be a nice restauraunt.
Posted by: boxer

Re: Glenn Beck - 19/11/2002 02:08

"Hey, do you know where I can get scrod around here?".

Nice one, thanks for starting my day with a belly laugh!...and if you saw my belly, you'd know that's quite a big laugh.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Glenn Beck - 19/11/2002 21:25

Glad you liked it. That one was originally told to me by Doug "tanstaafl." Burnside.
Posted by: boxer

Re: Glenn Beck - 21/11/2002 08:18

So, auction over and the fork didn't meet its reserve.

Now's the time to reveal that I've got a champagne flute used by Bill Clinton at a power business conference in Harrogate last year, and how ever many times I wash it, I can't get over the conviction that, that ain't champagne round the rim.

I'm prepared to let Empeg owners bid for it before I put it on e-bay!