New SonicBlue portable video player

Posted by: svferris

New SonicBlue portable video player - 18/11/2002 18:16

From a CNET article on Comdex:

SonicBlue also showed off a new portable video player. The device, originally designed by Intel, is a little bit larger than a Palm PDA. It lets consumers capture TV programs or home videos and then watch them remotely. It will hit the market around the time of the Consumer Electronics Show in early January, an Intel representative said.
Posted by: number6

Re: New SonicBlue portable video player - 18/11/2002 19:07

Hmm, As I predicted a few weeks back, the new PVP will be shown at CES.

It sounds pretty useful, I only hope they bring out a version that can do PAL TV.
I get sick of all these wonderous TV products that only "do" NTSC (ReplayTV for one).

Posted by: number6

Re: New SonicBlue portable video player - 18/11/2002 19:17

And another thing.
If they can build a device this small (PalmTM Sized) for recording and playing back Video and Audio content, then imagine what features you could put in such a device - and consider what it could do and store if you didn't use the video storage and just used it for Audio content only?

Huh - Did I hear someone from the direction of Cambridge (UK) just say PVP-Pod or what? :-))

All I gotta say, is "I haven't seen it yet, but I want one"
- man this sounds like the next Empeg.

Can I join the queue for one now? Can I? Please? Please!!

Posted by: rob

Re: New SonicBlue portable video player - 19/11/2002 04:23

Do you have a link to that article? The ZDNet version says "release sometime in 2003" which is a far more accurate statement!

Posted by: peter

Re: New SonicBlue portable video player - 19/11/2002 07:22

Do you have a link to that article? (last-but-one para)
