Things over than music

Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Things over than music - 19/02/2003 06:21

I need funny stuff - I've added the "Budweiser Real American Heroes" adverts and some simpsons soundbites in between my music.

Anyone know of other stuff?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 06:39

The Jingle For Goldfish?
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 06:47

Gobshite, girls, drink!
Posted by: peter

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 06:53

Anyone know of other stuff?

And do a Google search for "Onion Radio News".

Posted by: boxer

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 07:01

I chop up jokes from things like Dead Ringers, or whatever radio shows amuse you, with DirectCut, and leave them to come up as random selections in the Empeg.
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 07:08

Ah that was it - i remember Onion news mentioned on here a while back.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 07:30

Cutups from here are always funny - though many are obviously based on UK stuff. The Michael Jackson ones are really good, and the ones peole did of the Cherie Blair speech, the Queen's Jubilee speech, Tony Bliar's Queen Mother tribue ("she had a deep dark c*nt, enormous tits, great figure...") are worth doing a search for.

Posted by: Neutrino

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:33

On a seperate note. Paul, your Avatar has spiked an old latent memory. Is this from an old game called "Druids" or something like that? With swirling whirlpools and dervishes and such? Just Wondering.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:38


Not familiar with that one. This is taken from the game Gauntlet 2, an arcade classic reproduced in MAME. That is where I acquired the image from.
Posted by: Neutrino

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:42

Thats right! Thats the one I was thinking of, had the name wrong. An excellent game for its day! Thanks, now I can put that memory to rest.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:45

"Wizard needs more quarters, badly!"
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:51


``Shots do not hurt other players....

Posted by: peter

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 10:55


The local radio station in Cambridge, Q103, played a cutup version of Massive Attack's Unfinished Sympathy a few years ago, when we were busy bombing Serbia. It had a lot of Tony Blair samples over it, stuff like "We are a peaceful people who take no joy in war... sometimes the consequences of not going to war are worse than the consequences of going to war." (This speech among others).

Now I'm not 100% sure of the song, but I'm completely sure that Q103 didn't have the wit to put it together themselves, which makes me think it might still be somewhere to be found on the Internet. Anyone else heard (of) it?

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:05

The local radio station in Cambridge, Q103, played ... Massive Attack
Wow. UK radio stations are more different from US stations than I thought.

I can't even imagine any radio station I've ever heard (beyond a college station) playing any Massive Attack at all.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:12

99% of UK cutups are by the Chris Morris nuts in my link, or boom selection - can't find anything offhand but I'll have another look later.

this is a really good Chumbawumba/Saddam paradoy from 1996ish - I found it in a hidden mp3 folder of a site way back and found that the site owner was the mother of the person that made it - with her permission I emailed it off to a load of people and it seems to be everywhere now!

Posted by: smwood

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:22

I like to shuffle some choice Don West mp3s in with my music. That way I get a few soundbites in between the tunes.

Download the "Wax Packs" and throw them on your empeg. Hit shuffle. Enjoy.

(Don West is the loud, crazy guy that sells sports cards late at night on Shop-at-Home. Very funny stuff.)
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:33

"Hee hee hee, can't catch me!!!"
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:36

Is the game fun to play in MAME? As I recall, part of the fun was playing with several people and stealing the good treasure from each other. How do I get the ROM image?

There was an even older arcade game, about 7 years or so before Gauntlet where you played a soldier on a vertical scrolling board. You had a joystick and a little wheel that you could aim and throw grenades with. It was a pretty cool game in its day, but I can't remember the name so I can't find a ROM for it. Anyone remember this game?

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:39

Sounds like Smash TV, sort of, but it had two joysticks, not one and a wheel.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 11:51


Somewhat challenging with a large party. Two is okay, but the keyboard is really too small for it. If you have something like this, though, it really helps.

As for ROM images, the official way is to obtain a set of physical ROMs for the games you like and read them in yourself. The "grey area" where I lurk is that I own physical copies of the ROMs I use, but use ROMs someone else encoded. Of course, people bootleg ROMs, just like MP3 files.

I have never hunted for ROMs on the net, so I don't really have any good sites to recommend. You might use the MAME site as a starting point.
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 12:26 or used to have loads of Onion News. Seems to have disappeared though.
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 12:51

That was a real laugh
Posted by: suomi35

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 12:52

I have taken to ripping just the audio from some of my favorite DVDs's nice for long trips, if you can live without video.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 12:59

The coolest arcade controller ever was the Ikari Warriors 12-way rotating joystick. That thing was so ingenious.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 15:33

Best place to get roms now is usenet. used to have em all but they were taken down due to copyright issues.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 15:43

Clips of Firesign Threater. The Arnold Prank Calls. (Search Google and you'll find them). Bob and Tom Show clips.
Posted by: Neutrino

Re: Things over than music - 19/02/2003 16:19

Mooorrrre Sugar!
Posted by: frog51

Re: Things over than music - 20/02/2003 07:37

I remember seeing a NetGauntlet version somewhere a wee while back. I'll try and find it. Basically lets you use many PC's - each view was the same, but you each had your own keyboard.
Posted by: cushman

Re: Things over than music - 20/02/2003 11:15

I went off and searched for those Bud commercials.. I had no idea there were 50 of them!

I laughed so hard at the Mr. Sports Fan Face Painter commercial. "No, seriously, look at meeeee!!"
Posted by: Daria

Scheduling things other than music - 20/02/2003 11:49

This thread actually reminded me of another project I was working on

I built one of the small "cron daemons" floating around and started on something intended to do scheduling, namely, at top/bottom of the hour, insert a "station ID", at X other time, insert a comedy bit.

I should actually get back to it.