Win2K terminal server

Posted by: muzza

Win2K terminal server - 24/04/2003 18:02

Anyone had any experience setting up terminal services on a 2000 server?
I can log in and poke around no problem but I really would like some pointers to setting up Office 2000 in the terminal environment.
I've downloaded the Office Resource Kit, gone thru the procedure to set up user profiles, translation files, and all the other stuff that seems to be required. I went to the Add remove progs section and put in the command line which came up at the end of the wizard (without the quiet and background flags) and it still says that that is not the way to install office.

Anyone got any help here?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Win2K terminal server - 24/04/2003 18:07

I can ask my Citrix guy at work tomorrow, but (and I have to state again for the record that I'm not a Windows guy) why should you have to set Word up differently for TS? My understanding is that it just creates multiple remote consoles. What needs to be different about the setup than if you just had multiple nonsimultaneous users?
Posted by: muzza

Re: Win2K terminal server - 24/04/2003 18:19

well,... I have it in application server mode. in this mode it manages (I think) all logins differently. I can't just install office in admin mode and expect it to work. Each user will be assigned privileges based on a profile so some people don't have access to things like Access or Powerpointless if I choose.
It's a different thing to preparing an installation roll-out but similare in some ways. I think.
I'm no MS guru either, (prefer Novell), but this is for college work. In fact, I'm so not a guru that I was playing around with security profiles and totally locked myself out. Of everything. Had to reinstall.
If your Citrix Guy knows at least which books to check, I'd be really grateful
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Win2K terminal server - 25/04/2003 13:09

Citrix guy didn't come in to work today, but I sent him an email. I'll let you know what he tells me.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Win2K terminal server - 26/04/2003 14:13

Ta, Much appreciated
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Win2K terminal server - 29/04/2003 13:09

He says:
He needs to download what Microsoft calls a transform that needs to be used when installing Office 2000 on a terminal server. This is downloaded with the Office Resource Kit. Run the Custom Installation Wizard and specify the termserv.mst found at C:\Program Files\ORKTools\ToolBox\Tools\Terminal Server Tools for the transform. It is "fairly" intuitive from there. Hope this helps.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Win2K terminal server - 29/04/2003 14:42

Thanks Bitt, I'll try it shortly