Game server rentals?

Posted by: davec

Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:14

Me and a few friends are looking for a gaming server to rent for BF1942. We'd prefer public with the ability to password protect slots for 4-5 players. I can't find a whole lot of info about doing this.

Can anyone recommend some places to check into about this? A US based server is a requirement. If it's good, I'll give whoever recommends the one we use the referral, if possible.

We're tired of the new grenade launchers in the Desert Conbat mod, call 'em noob launchers because all the noobs use them at point blank range and most servers don't use splash damage settings so the little bastards survive and never develop any skills to play the game any other way... Arrgh!!! I prefer to die by bullet if I must die!

Thanks! And check your six!!!
Posted by: loren

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:33

no clue about the server rental...

but the grenade launchers have been toned down in the soon to be released .39 version of DC. I agree... i HATE that damn weapon... it's rendered the Berlin map useless. They also made it so the stinger does minimal damage to a solder.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:35


There's one that's been around for a while and it's probably one of the biggest, but for some reason I just can't remember what the hell it's called.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:38

Oh, and 3D Gamers does it too.
Posted by: davec

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:44 is offering only 20 player password protected servers due to "high bandwidth usage" of BF1942. They are the only one I see making that restriction. We like playing public servers so there are players that we don't know, and don't know their game play style. But when 4 or 5 of us want to play, we have trouble finding a server with enough open slots, and getting us all on the same team if we're using teamspeak is nearly impossible.

I've emailed NuclearFallOut about it as they seemed pretty reasonable but haven't heard back yet.

3DGamers seems like the place, but the bandwidth limitations concern me. I can't find info on how much bandwidth a public BF1942 server would use. I guess I could always password the whole game when we're not around to limit usage.
Posted by: davec

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 11:57

but the grenade launchers have been toned down in the soon to be released .39 version of DC

WOOHOO! But I still wanna kick the people that use them at close range, or at least have splash damage ON...

Anyone here play regularly? If so what servers are you guys usually on? I always play as Senko, never seen anyone else with my name yet... If you see me give me a holller, I'm usually piloting the Blackhawk, circling at a low altitude looking for nade launchers...
Posted by: loren

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 13:08

I play daily, but on our LAN here at work. We can't access outside servers due to our insane firewall. =\ We usually have a lunch game and an after work until everyone leaves game.

Sucks too, because we have some of the best players in the country in this office... big surprise being a game company and all. I, of course, am not one of them.
Posted by: davec

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 13:37

Sucks too, because we have some of the best players in the country in this office

And I bet y'all actually play as a team too, huh? That's the number 2 most aggravating thing about online play, no teamwork!!!

So I found that has public servers or rent your own dedicated servers, for not much more than a public server per month. This brings up the possibilty of getting a friend that has interest in a private server for some other game he plays. Offset the costs and share a dedicated server between us...
Posted by: visuvius

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 15:35

I'm usually on one of the EA servers. Lately though I've been using All Seeing Eye to connect -- man, this program is badass.

Have you guys played the Secrets Weapons of WW II demo yet? It was just released on Friday I think. Its pretty cool except for I can't find the God damn jet packs. Anyone know where they are?

Posted by: loren

Re: Game server rentals? - 13/08/2003 15:55

Yeah, we played it yesterday after work. I dig it, but everyone is so used to DC they all whined about it. The jet packs rock though.

They are in the building across from the church near the center flag. Go to the third floor and there are two of them laying on the floor. Equip them with G i think.... then tap jump repeatedly to give short bursts and fly! Fun times.

Posted by: michael_corleone

Re: Game server rentals? - 14/08/2003 07:27 supposed to have some good ones
Posted by: davec

Re: Game server rentals? - 14/08/2003 09:54 supposed to have some good ones

Bummer when I click prices for BF1942 I get this:

CGI Error

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

and nothing gets listed.
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Game server rentals? - 29/08/2003 23:27

Don't know if you saw this on EA's site. On the same page they announce the patch to 1.45.18, they will be renting servers.

BTW if anyone is using All Seeing Eye to find games, I'm using waterman981 gaming as well!