GigaFast HomePlug?

Posted by: DeadFire

GigaFast HomePlug? - 30/08/2003 18:50

Does anybody know anything about these? I currently run a (wired) home network consisting of three computers, my ReplayTV, my empeg, and eventually, my GameCube.

Two of the computers are not mine, but they are on the network so that I can share my DSL connection with them. This is so everyone has internet access of (what I consider) reasonable speed without blocking the phone line. So, considering that the other two internet users in the house don't require a high speed connection to my machine (no file or print sharing here), would this be an easy and as reliable alternative to running CAT5? There is currently a manufacturer's rebate out on the bridge, so I'm thinking about picking up a few.

We're moving soon, and a lot of work is being done in the new place before we get there. I'd rather not walk in and start tearing holes in the walls, and I don't want to spring for wireless networking stuff, either.
Posted by: tman

Re: GigaFast HomePlug? - 30/08/2003 19:09

The data rate they specify is probably the signalling rate so halve it and take a little bit off to get your real transfer rate.
Also it's shared between everybody since everybody is on a single circuit.

It does depend on how much interference you've got on your mains wiring. It works great for some people but others don't have any luck with it. I've got a few dodgy SMPS's which generate enough interference to totally knock out any *-over-powerline technology. It also doesn't have to be within your house, any nearby house could be coupling back this crud onto the mains wiring outside.

It's easy but how reliable it is variable. If you must have reliability then go for wired ethernet. If you don't mind the possibility of outside interference then use wireless or powerline. I'd say wireless is more reliable as you're able to select different channels still.

Your best bet would be to try it and take it back if it doesn't work and also pray that nobody uses their arc welder nearby
Posted by: DeadFire

Re: GigaFast HomePlug? - 30/08/2003 19:32

Well that sort of speed would be acceptable, since the DSL isn't even that fast. But a reliable setup is the major point. I can't have someone screaming about getting disconnected because the industrial strength vacuum was switched on in the next room. Everyone is on different schedules, and it's rare that I'm home when someone has a question.

I don't really like wireless - It's too much money for too little speed and reliability. Some people say it works beautifully, while just as many if not more say that it doesn't work through walls, or the transfer speeds are slow, etc.

The owners seem to think that I should be able to run the cable through the floor and follow the basement ceiling in order to keep the nice new walls just that. So I guess I'll just borrow a drill.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: GigaFast HomePlug? - 02/09/2003 13:09

They'd rather you drill a hole in the floor than the wall? That's pretty backwards.
Posted by: time

Re: GigaFast HomePlug? - 03/09/2003 00:01

I've got a couple PE902-EB's and use them on my network. I also picked them up for $59.95 with a $60.00 rebate. Too hard to pass up.

The thought was that I'd get to a neighbors house, but alas it was not to be. We took a laptop out and started cruising the neighborhood to see about range. Next door (< 100ft) was as far as we got, barely.

The work fine for connecting my ReplayTV 5040 to the network, but the do not connect fast enough to stream video on/off (between two Replay's or Replay to PC.) but work for transferring files. I don't remember exact specs, but it seems like I was getting around 2Mbit xfer speeds.

They are a pretty amazing piece of gear. Makes your outlet behave like a long wire. They pass the node end MAC address back to network end. They worked first try. Unsure about any security with these as they are pretty much just out in the open for anyone within range.

The only CON I have for them is that they run blazingly HOT.

Tim E