Posted by: Jerz - 05/09/2003 16:42

OK... it was ok at first, but... I'm getting tired of pasting "" in each hyperlink on the site Do these hyperlinks need to be updated or is it *really* my DNS server?
Posted by: trs24

Re: - 05/09/2003 16:56

I was having the same problem at work. But it works fine from home. I would think the dns transition could be a little more graceful, but who knows. When it comes to DNS, it's bound not to work for some people for the first 24-72 hours.

- trs
Posted by: muzza

Re: - 05/09/2003 22:55

it seems to be your dns. I have no problem from Australia.
Posted by: genixia

Re: - 05/09/2003 23:04

Does anyone use a web proxy?
I had those bizarre DNS-type issues this afternoon, and no amount of local DNS flushing would fix it. I got to the point where my local cache, my ISP's DNS and the authorative server all agreed upon the IP address before I decided that DNS wasn't the real issue. Fired up lynx (text mode browser) and presto - the forums worked. Restarted mozilla, no dice. Shift-reloaded, still no worky. Restarted my local squid (web proxy) and voila. Good ever since.

Posted by: Daria

Re: - 05/09/2003 23:29

I lost because I had's old address in /etc/hosts. That was fun...
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: - 06/09/2003 01:55

I'm pretty sure something is still funky with the DNS. For instance, still reports the old IP authoritatively. Others of the Knowtion servers don't respond at all. I'm no DNS expert, so it could just be propgation delays.

I've resorted to my hosts file at the moment. For those of you who can't read the board, the new IP is Since it's named based virtual hosting, you've got to go through the hosts file to get it working.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: - 06/09/2003 11:06

Yeah. My squid seemed to cache the IP address, too. I guess I can understand why, assuming that it's being used for more than just one person. There's bound to be a config option for that somewhere, but I don't really care to look for it.
Posted by: drakino

Re: - 06/09/2003 15:35

Looks like Paul forgot to change over to the new IP, so I'll restore the redirector.

The empeg transition seemed to go ok. For the record, the new DNS info was out there for 48 hours before I turned off the redirector. I ran into a few proxies at work overcaching the name, so I do feel the pain some people have had on this move.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: - 06/09/2003 17:15

Trust me, we are all extremely thankful for the work you put into this board, and the care it receives!!!
Posted by: Jerz

Re: - 06/09/2003 18:26

the new DNS info was out there for 48 hours before I turned off the redirector.

Now that makes sense since I was initially able to access the site without incident.

Thanks for doing such an outstanding job with these sites... I've learned a ton.
