A GPS device I actually want.

Posted by: trs24

A GPS device I actually want. - 19/09/2003 20:52

I would like one of these please.

- trs
Posted by: loren

Re: A GPS device I actually want. - 20/09/2003 10:41

A good friend of mine has had one since the day they came out... he was on the waiting list forever. Apparently they are ironing out some hardware bugs... antennae's falling off and the like, but otherwise he absolutely loves it. I'm thinking about getting one to replace my GPSV.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: A GPS device I actually want. - 22/09/2003 06:59

I've been wanting one too.

Here's some reviews....


If you get one let us know what you think.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: A GPS device I actually want. - 23/09/2003 01:58

Sweet! Now, if they could get one of these on the Treo, I'd be really, really happy!
Posted by: mlord

Re: A GPS device I actually want. - 25/09/2003 14:28

Battery life must suck on that.

But it looks like it would be really nice in tethered mode.