threaded vs flat

Posted by: RobotCaleb

threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 10:50

does anyone actually browse the forums in threaded mode, and if so, why?

by 'browse the forums in threaded mode' i mean using threaded as the primary/default way of viewing posts.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 10:53

The threaded mode is pretty worthless if you ask me. Way too hard to navigate. What the BBS needs is the "nested" mode like Slashdot has where it shows the posts all on one page, but uses indenting to show the hierarchy. Dunno if UBBThreads has this capability, but it'd be my preferred view if it existed.
Posted by: jmwking

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 10:54

does anyone actually browse the forums in threaded mode...
Good God, no!

I haven't used threaded mode as primary on any bbs since I stopped using WinCIM on compuserve.

Posted by: jmwking

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 10:58

What the BBS needs is the "nested" mode like Slashdot
I think that may be the first time someone has wanted us to be more like slashdot...

My brother's site does this, and the really long, acrimonious posts wind up in a single inch on the right-hand side of the browser window.

Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 11:06

i agree with the worthless comment. but i think i disagree with the slashdot bit. im rather comfortable with the way it is now.
anyone know if theres a way to default searches to display in flat mode, but just jump to the post clicked?
Posted by: ashmoore

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 11:09

tried it,
hated it.
Like others it seems I just live with it in flat mode.

It would be nice to have a combination view, but I would guess after all this time, most of us are used to it by now.

Posted by: tman

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 11:12

I only ever use flat mode. I did briefly try using threaded at the beginning but it annoyed me having to click each post to view it.
I actually looked at the title of this topic and wondered why were talking about multithreading in offtopic
Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 11:59

I agree with the search statement, although when I'm able to find the exact post I wanted (often in order to link it as a reference in another post), it's helpful to have a link directly to the post you're referring to.

Anyway, yeah, I'm not sure why anyone would view in threaded. It would take forever to read a thread.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 12:05

but i think i disagree with the slashdot bit. im rather comfortable with the way it is now.
The problem is, a LOT of posts on this BBS digress into tangents, and it'd be nice to follow each tangent separately. Don't get me wrong, a majority of the wisdom here is a direct result of those tangents, so I'm not saying they're a bad thing. But it'd be nice if you could follow each separately, and even follow (gasp!) the original point of the thread as well. Nested mode allows you to do this.

And yeah, making any positive comparison to Slashdot definitely gave me pause when I posted it... But really it is a good system, and I've seen it used successfully on other forums as well. Heck, I think's comments facility uses nested comments.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 19:54

Flat mode, always.

What I don't get is why when I pick the re:link, the bbs dumps me into threaded mode, against my preference.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 20:11

What I don't get is why when I pick the re:link, the bbs dumps me into threaded mode, against my preference.
The only explanation I can think of is that it wants you to be sure of which post it's referring you to. This is also the explanation I have for the threaded search results. You see, when the thread loads, it will take you to the post, then if pictures load they will most likely throw you off from the post you wanted to see. I think that dumping you into threaded mode is the way to make sure.

This is also annoying when you choose "view your post" after posting, and I'd like it to automatically move down to my post. But this isn't too much of a problem with the "end" button
Posted by: davec

Re: threaded vs flat - 29/09/2003 22:03

This is also annoying when you choose "view your post" after posting, and I'd like it to automatically move down to my post

Yeah, me too.

But this isn't too much of a problem with the "end" button

Well I'll be damned! That works! I always thought it was just end of line. I always use page down, until now.... Thanks!

BTW flat mode for me, tried threaded for a few weeks, it sucked.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 01:04

But this isn't too much of a problem with the "end" button

Well I'll be damned! That works! I always thought it was just end of line. I always use page down, until now.... Thanks!
No problem! I'm a devotee of the keyboard. I try to use usefull Windows keyboard shortcuts whenever possible. I think my left pinky is permanently cemented to the ctrl key.

My other favorite shortcut that most people don't use is Ctrl+W, which will close most windows, both in IE and normal open folders. It's also a great way to browse the board. Open a forum, Shift+click on threads you're interested in, Alt+tab between them, and when you're done reading one, Ctrl+W to close the window. You only need to use the mouse to open them (and maximize them if you want).

ps-I just noticed another Windows thing that isn't really a shortcut, but I didn't realize it was there: supposedly if you hold down shift while entering a CD, it won't autoplay (if autoplay is enabled). Neat Sorry, just had to share while I was on the topic
Posted by: ricin

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 01:29

(and maximize them if you want).

Don't need it for that either. Alt-Space, x (and the other letters for the other operations as well)

ps-I just noticed another Windows thing that isn't really a shortcut, but I didn't realize it was there: supposedly if you hold down shift while entering a CD, it won't autoplay (if autoplay is enabled). Neat Sorry, just had to share while I was on the topic

Yep. Comes in handy.
Posted by: Roger

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 02:17

Ctrl+W, which will close most windows

Alt+F4 will close the active window, whatever it is. Has done since the dawn of time (well at least Windows 3.0).

Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 02:39

Alt+F4 will close the active window
Well, that one is a little more powerful, so I don't use it as much. That one will close applications (and Ctrl+F4 closes the focused window within an application), so I don't like to use that for my rapid window closing

I wish there were an easier way to maximize the window from the keyboard. I know about the Alt+space, x, because I posted a thread a long ways back asking for just such a shortcut, and I think Tony offered me that one. I use it every once and a while, but wish there was a better one.

Can anyone recommend a very small application that will program and look out for certain macros? I'd love to map some of the shortcuts to shorter, easier keypresses. Alt+ and Ctrl+F4 are not reasonable one-handed shortcuts. I can't think of any conflicts Ctrl+Q would have
Posted by: Roger

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 02:44

What I don't get is why when I pick the re:link, the bbs dumps me into threaded mode, against my preference.

I like that feature. It's a good way to get into threaded mode, in case you need it to see the tangents.
Posted by: kswish0

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 07:44

For those interested, here's a list of keyboard shortcuts for windows.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 30/09/2003 12:44

There's also several lists in Windows help they can be found by searching for "keyboard shortcuts"
Posted by: m6400

Re: threaded vs flat - 01/10/2003 02:34

Simple, see the dark blue bar directly above this text? (That says "Re: threaded vs flat" and has the reply link in it) have it indent with a second color. The space for the text stays the same, and the usernames and avatars stay lined up on the left, but the bar would show you how deep into a specific thread you were. It could also automatically adjust when it would otherwise start to get close to the right hand of the screen by reducing the distance the indention covered each time.

Course I don’t know how easy it would be to implement, but it’s an idea........
Posted by: Dignan

Re: threaded vs flat - 01/10/2003 11:42

That would work, but sometimes people change the subject line mid-thread (which is another way to track tangents but not frequently used).
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: threaded vs flat - 01/10/2003 11:45

changed or not, it would still be indented, as its a child of the parent. yes?
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: threaded vs flat - 01/10/2003 12:44

Before I thread-jack, I always use flat mode, and find being dumped into threaded mode annoying every time it happens.

That being said, is there any reason the next thread link at the bottom of every page can't move the window down to the first new post? As it is, I never use the nav buttons at the bottom of the thread window, but I suspect I actually would if they remembered where I was in the thread.
