logging on to the network...permanently

Posted by: kswish0

logging on to the network...permanently - 29/09/2003 16:18

This fall, I started at a new school and have been getting annoyed at the network here. Every few hours, a little box will pop up requesting my username and password. So every few hours I have to type them both in because it wont remember either. No matter how many times I click the checkbox to remember my password, I still have to type it. Its like this for everyone at the school. Is there a way to make windows automatically do this for me? Its gotten pretty annoying typing this in every few hours on my computer. If not, how can I atleast make it remember my password?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 29/09/2003 16:34

The info in your post doesn't give me enough to answer your question... So lemme ask a few of you.

1. When you say "a little box" pops up, are you talking about in your web browser? Are you browsing the web when this happens? Browsing a network share? Doing something else?
2. If it's when you're surfing the web, is it a pop-up browser window with an HTML form? Or is it a basic authentication dialog like this one:

If it's a dialog like this one, then your school is using basic authentication, and the server has a limit (timeout) on how long you can go before you have to log in again. If it's some kind of form-based login, then it's storing your session in a cookie, and that session is timing out (probably on the server, possibly by setting the expiration on the cookie.) If it's some kind of other app that you're logging into, then you'll have to explain your situation some more. No matter what it is, my informed opinion is that the system administrators have decided to force users to log in occasionally as a security measure (to prevent your roomate or the guy down the hall from logging in and sending gay porn to your physics teacher.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 29/09/2003 16:41

Or maybe to prevent students from queueing up 500 mp3's to download over night?
Posted by: kswish0

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 00:24

Sorry for the lack of information in my last post. I will try and explain it better. Its only when I'm browsing the web. A box will pop up that looks similar to the one you showed and ask for my username and password. At the top of this box is the address of the website I am currently trying to load instead of saying "enter network password" like is in your box. Other programs can still access the network such as instant messanger. It just blocks me from loading any website.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 00:59

How does it work with P2P programs? Are you able to use them like normal?
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 05:11

We have the same on the Council's network. Its so that when you are caught for downloading gigabytes of porn from websites, you can't say "it wasn't me, someone must have used it when I went to lunch".
Posted by: tman

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 05:46

Must be the password for the proxy or something
Posted by: kswish0

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 07:28

Nope, p2p doesn't work. It just never connects. Strange that internet or p2p doesn't work but instant messenger does. So, does anyone know if there is a way I can have my computer automatically log in for me. Its not that big of a deal to just log on when I turn my computer on, but it becomes a hassle to do this several times a day. If there isn't a way to do this, then is there atleast a way to make it remember my password. Checking the box doesn't work.
Posted by: David

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 07:50

If the username/password request for the web proxy, then try entering a different proxy in your internet settings. It's robably safe to assume that you'll need one on a port other than 3128 as well, as they've probably blocked that.

If you don't have access to a remote machine on a different network, there's plenty of lists of open proxies on the net, just have a search around.
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 08:34

You could always write a small AutoIt script that is set in a infinite loop and that would respond to those pop-up login boxes with your username and password.
Very much insecure as the EXE could be decompiled and your password reveled.
Posted by: Daria

Re: logging on to the network...permanently - 30/09/2003 08:55

Gezz, I was going to suggest just running a local web proxy with your password whose job it is to authenticate every time.