De-Interlacing Video?

Posted by: burdell1

De-Interlacing Video? - 30/09/2003 21:04

Has anyone tried this ? I downloaded it, but I can't seem to figure out how to deinterlace video with it...
Posted by: lectric

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 30/09/2003 21:18

On most versions of Windows, DScaler runs in Ring 0, the part of your processor where the operating system lives. If DScaler crashes, it can crash hard.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 01:40

And this differs from most other Windows programs how?
Posted by: lectric

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 07:46

True that, brother. But most programs don't warn you about it. This makes me a LITTLE nervous. The last time I installed something with a disclaimer like that it corrupted my fat table. (It was win95 beta, btw)
Posted by: tman

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 07:57

DScaler replaces the driver for the capture card. That's why it has to run at such a low level. It's not particularly unusual for a driver to need very low level access to hardware.

Basically it's their disclaimer, if it crashes then your PC will go along with it. If your video driver decides to go nuts then so would your PC as well.

DScaler output is nice though. I know somebody who has it piped through his projector and the improvement is definately noticable.

[edit]Whohoo... Pooh-bah...[/edit]
Posted by: lectric

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 07:59

True. I just don't want any -=permanent=- damage. A crash wouldn't be the end of the world.
Posted by: tman

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 08:19

Back up and pray? NTFS is much better than FAT and is usually more robust. If it does go kaboom it's much harder to fix however.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 08:50

with this program, can I take video that I have already captured and de-interlace it? If so, do you know how? I tried...but couldn't get it to work....
Posted by: tman

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 10:51

I don't think it works with the basic DScaler package but they've got a project to port the filters to DirectShow. It's here but seems to be quite old. I don't actually use DScaler myself but my friend uses it with a Brooktree card (WinTV something or other)
Posted by: Neutrino

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 01/10/2003 10:58

I've been using DScaler for months. I use it to scale the s-video and composite signals that are connected to the x-capture card in my HTPC. A new version has just been released, 4.18.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 03/10/2003 07:31

Yes, but can it de-interlace video that is already captured? if it doesn't, are there any programs out there that do?
Posted by: djc

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 03/10/2003 08:38

i have no idea if DScaler will process captured video, but TMPGenc Plus surely will. it's not free, but you can download a trial version to see how you like it.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 03/10/2003 11:38

it's not free
Unless he isn't using MPEG2, in which case I'm pretty sure the free version of TMPGEnc will do it. Won't it? It's worth a shot, at least.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 03/10/2003 11:41

how can i use the Dscaler to direct show filters to capture footage to de-interlace it right away?
Posted by: burdell1

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 06/10/2003 23:11

Has anyone tried TMPGEnc? It doesn't seem to de-interlace the video.....what settings do you need to set it at?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 06/10/2003 23:43

Sorry, but I've never used DScaler and I've not done what you're doing with TMPGEnc. I was just under the impression that it might be able to.

Out of curiousity, why do you want to de-interlace your video?
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 06/10/2003 23:59

I used to use TMPGEnc all the time. If you are doing MPEG2, then you go to the settings for the project, the advanced tab, then select deinterlace, and select the type. You can preview what each one looks like to decide what you want.

When I was encoding a lot of DivX I would use the deinterlacing built into the codec. To do that you would have to save your project as and AVI, the select the video codec, DivX, then you can hit settings. Go to General Paramaters, and you can select there to deinterlace.

Either way is pretty simple. You just have to wait to encode the video.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: De-Interlacing Video? - 12/10/2003 08:36

I have motion menu chapters and it looks like crap because of all the lines through it....Plus, I heard that once I watch this on a progressive scan dvd player hooked up to a HDTV it will look better when it is de-interlaced....