Maybe God's trying to tell them something

Posted by: Roger

Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:15

Jesus actor struck by lightning.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:19

I also find it in interesting in the article that the assistant director has been struck twice... I can almost imagine a voice coming from somewhere saying "Don't make me come down there!"
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:30

Day before yesterday we had some storms - a church in West Sussex was struck and it blew most the the stained glass windows out and set off a few fires. I guess they didn't have a lightning conductor!

Posted by: speedy67

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:34

Cant't believe it really. Most people i heard of hit by a lightning are dead now.
Sounds more like a good marketing strategy...

cheers, Thomas
Posted by: peter

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:44
"12th-century church recorded in the Domesday book"?

Posted by: Geoff

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 04:53

In reply to:

"12th-century church recorded in the Domesday book"?

In reply to:

Must have been the 2nd edition

Posted by: JeffS

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 05:24

hmmm, if I'm the directory and that happens, I'm going to be thinking, "Did we get that on film? Is there anywhere we can use this? I know Mel really wants authenticity here, but they had lightening in the Bible right?"
Posted by: boxer

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 05:47

The church at Tangmere recorded in Domesday Book was probably a Saxon building of timber construction, tracing its foundation back to Wilfrid's brethren. Some time after the Domesday Survey, and while the Archbishop retained the manor; the church was given to the Priory of St Pancras in Lewes. This happened before 1121, since in that year the church was confirmed to the Priory by the Archbishop. Later, John de Pageham renewed the gift, which he said had originally been made by his mother although a charter of confirmation granted to the monks by King Stephen ascribes the gift to Walter de Pageham who was presumably John's father. The church reverted to the Archbishop about the year 1200.

The present church dates back at least to the early 12th century, not long after the Conquest. Very early in that century, perhaps, since John de Pageham's renewal of the gift stated that the monks of Lewes 'had long previously held. . . the church of Tangemere' and it may be inferred that this was the church of stone which with only modest extension has served the needs of the village to the present day.

Posted by: morrisdl

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 07:55

In reply to:

Cant't believe it really. Most people i heard of hit by a lightning are dead now.

I was always told the contrary. If you get struck in the presence of others you have a good chance of survival (the theory being that lightning victims are easily resuscitated).

Not sure where I pick that up, let see if I can find an corroboration...first google hit:
"...30% of persons struck by lightning die, and 74% of lightning strike survivors have permanent disabilities."

Well, thats not good.. You probably survive, but you are most likely f'ed up. Hum.
Posted by: boxer

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 08:24

Na, it's trains you're looking for:
"Most people hit by trains are dead now"
Posted by: time

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 08:40

Somehow I expect the All Powerful could finish the job succesfully if that was His real intention...
Posted by: Roger

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 09:09

Somehow I expect the All Powerful could finish the job succesfully if that was His real intention...

Maybe it was just His equivalent of a shot across the bows...
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 09:26

I agree.

2 Peter 3:9: "[The Lord is] not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
Posted by: muzza

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 24/10/2003 16:36

Maybe His aim is a bit rusty?
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Maybe God's trying to tell them something - 25/10/2003 00:03

Either way, that director better hope God doesn't have the equivalent of California's 3 strikes rule...