Anything wrong with this Apex TV ?

Posted by: msaeger

Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 08/12/2003 19:50

Does anyone know of any problems with this Apex TV ? Any opinions ?

It looks pretty good for 450.00 dollars.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 08/12/2003 19:59

My friend bought an Apex 27" flat and took it back because he couldn't see the crawl on CNN. It got cut off.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 08/12/2003 20:04

Was it defective or an engineering problem ? or not sure ?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 08/12/2003 20:07

Tread on Apex TV's from a few months ago.

I personally wouldn't buy any television right now for the long term. HDTV prices are going to drop as the "deadline" for switching all TV signals to HDTV approaches. Plasma TV prices are starting to sink too. I think 32" or larger HDTV plasmas might be in the $500 range in a year or two if those trends continue.

I bought a 31" (yes, 31") Sanyo non-flatscreen TV at Wal*Mart for around $380 last year. Other than one inch diagonal size and a flat screen, this Apex model doesn't seem to have anything mine doesn't have. Is a flat screen really that big of a deal on a regular old tube TV? I've watched a Sony Vega before and wasn't all that spellbound. I think it's marketing hype.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 09/12/2003 08:47

Not sure.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 09/12/2003 10:01

Flat screens are easier to view from an angle, as your line of sight doesn't approach a tengent of the screen. I've liked mine.

Most TVs have service controls that allow resizing the image. That should have solved the missing CNN scroll problem. But the fact that they calibrated it that far off to begin with would raise flags with me. It could be that their deflection circuitry is poor and causes bad distortion when pulled in further, though that seems the opposite of the problem you'd expect.
Posted by: andym

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 09/12/2003 10:05

My Wega was the best TV i've ever had, I still think it's better than the 32inch Panasonic I have now. I much prefer the Trinitron tube to Quintrix one thats in the 'sonic. Much better contrast and sharpness. Hmmm, time to upgrade methinks....
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Anything wrong with this Apex TV ? - 09/12/2003 10:15

Oddly, my current TV is a Panasonic, though the 36" 4:3 HDTV model. I don't have a problem with the tube, but the corner convergence could use some work. I'd probably have gone with the equivalent Sony, but it was about an inch too wide for my space. The speakers on the Panasonic are awful, though. I don't even use them,