Crop Circles

Posted by: trs24

Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 14:42

I was watching a show on crop circles on TLC last night and I was amazed to see how far they've come!

This one is absolutely amazing:

There are more shots of it here. I didn't realize how clever and complicated they'd become.

- trs
Posted by: ricin

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 14:59

Yeah, we had one here a little while back, not as complicated as the one you've pointed out, though.
Just after it was discovered it was almost impossible to drive down around that area, which I do a lot since my parents live not too far from there, and the backroads to my work/apartment run right next to that field. It was insane; media, and just people in general, everywhere, walking in the field, taking pictures, standing on anything they could to get an overhead view/shot. Crazy.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:03

From one of your linked articles...

Maui natives Kamoa and Iao Fairoh spent a night in the field and say the circles radiate positive energy.

"I experienced shaking, love, energy filling my body, spinning me 'round," Iao says.

This is an absolute perfect poster child for why not to move to California. Man, what a screwed up collection of humanity you guys have out there.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:07

Ridiculous, I know. What gets me is people are arguing that they were produced by some "other worldly" creatures, or event; yet these kids have said time and time again that they did it after watching a show about it on TV, and reading a "How-To" on a website. <shakes head> Come on people. I will never understand why it is so hard for some people to just accept the truth as...well, the truth.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:11

Ah you missed this one then:

I took my mum and aunt over to have a look from the ground (it was only 20 mins drive from here). Here are some pics:

This one:

Was a local helicopter owner "cashing in" as is only natural

edit: The disc is ASCII and reads:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING [bell]


Posted by: lectric

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:32

edit: The disc is ASCII and reads:
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:34

The ones who encoded it or the ones who decoded it?
Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:37

In reply to:

The ones who encoded it or the ones who decoded it?

Uhm.. yes?

(Like an alien race would even come up with the concept of "ASCII"..)
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:39

Really. Real aliens would use EBCDIC.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:45

Oh I did see that one. Definitely very cool. I guess I just wasn't as impressed with it, though. I don't know why, I think I just liked the massive scale of the other (1500' across) and I just think fractals are cool.

- trs
Posted by: ninti

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 15:57

I was wondering what EELRIJUE meant, so I looked it up. Big mistake. No one knows, but there certainly enough ridculously convoluted numerology theories.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 16:02

but there certainly enough ridculously convoluted numerology theories.
Reading that web page has had two equal and opposite effects on me:

1) It's completely ruined my faith in humanity.
2) It's made me feel very good that my life hasn't sunk to the level where I'm analyzing this shit.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 21:21

I can't believe I work behind a desk. I have to buy a farm and get a circl'in! The only thing in alien minds must be "those humans sure are crazy, look what they're doing to their crops."

<homer> "Pssst. I think he's talking to you." </homer>

Posted by: tman

Re: Crop Circles - 10/12/2003 23:31

At least they're harmless. Some fruitcakes out there actually believe they can survive on the "life force" of the world alone and therefore don't need to eat or drink anything ever. Here's one of many pages on it.

[edit]Oh. Here's a good one. No food since 1993 apparently and for the low low price of $19.95 she'll also tell you about immortality and various tools to stop the aging process...[/edit]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Crop Circles - 11/12/2003 00:08

don't need to eat or drink anything ever

you might be interested in this.
Posted by: tman

Re: Crop Circles - 11/12/2003 08:48

Weird. I still prefer to eat though
Posted by: Folsom

Re: Crop Circles - 11/12/2003 09:23

I would think the farmers are a little mad at people ruining their fields. I wouldn't try this stuff growing up in Iowa.