Please help me solve a problem with a word doc...

Posted by: ithoughti

Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 17:12

I have an interview with Gillette tomorrow morning and they sent me a word doc with the application so I could fill it out before I went in. I would like to type all the info in and then print it. (I did this with some other forms they sent) Problem is that I can't edit this file, and I can't figure out why it's locked or something.

Could someone take a look for me?

thanks a ton. This job could be the first step in a path that I would really enjoy.
Posted by: trs24

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 17:26

The Doc is password protected.

By exporting it as html then pasting it back into word then saving again as a word doc, I was able to edit the file again. The formatting pretty much looks the same. I've attached it.

Good luck with the jeorb!

- trs
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 17:29

I opened it and tried "Unprotect Document" from the tools menu but the doc is password protected. So I exported it as RTF, unprotected it, and saved it as a DOC again. You should be all set with this one.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 17:30

Dang. Second place == first loser.

Posted by: trs24

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 17:32

Ha Ha! Although - the formatting in yours is exactly like the original - whereas mine isn't. Tony wins.

Funny, I tried exporting RTF and it didn't work for me.

- trs
Posted by: ithoughti

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc - 10/12/2003 18:24

You guys rule!

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Please help me solve a problem with a word doc... - 10/12/2003 19:07

Ha Ha! Although - the formatting in yours is exactly like the original - whereas mine isn't. Tony wins.
Nah, I definitely lost. In the IT world, time to market is waaaay more important than quality. Or that's what management says, at least.