WinAmp as a service?

Posted by: tfabris

WinAmp as a service? - 05/01/2004 11:56

Has anyone had any luck running WinAmp as a service under Windows NT? Curious if it can be done before I actually try it. I was going to try srvany or perhaps... what was it called... firedaemon?

Failing that, does anyone know of any lightweight MP3 player that can be run as a service under Windows NT? Goal: feed it a playlist and it will loop that playlist. So that you turn on the power and the PC will begin spouting continuous music without needing any user input.
Posted by: antbankz

Re: WinAmp as a service? - 05/01/2004 14:21

Probably not what you are looking for as this applied in Win95 and 98 but you could copy the winamp.exe to the Windows directory and change the system.ini (or win.ini... it's been a while) to call winamp.exe as the shell instead of explorer.exe. If you could find where NT calls the shell program or rename winamp.exe to explorer.exe you may be able to do this. I used to have this setup running on a computer I had intended to put in my car until I ran across the empeg.
Posted by: siberia37

Re: WinAmp as a service? - 05/01/2004 16:01

Does WinAmp take command line arguments? If it does SrvAny should be fine, just make sure you mark the Winamp service you make can interact with the desktop. Remeber to make all the registry entries before using srvany, I think this KB article covers them
Posted by: tfabris

Re: WinAmp as a service? - 05/01/2004 16:31

Thanks. I ended up doing FireDaemon because I'd wanted to try it for a long time anyway. I'm glad I did. WinAmp works perfectly under FireDaemon, and the program itself really rocks. It's like SrvAny on steroids with a GUI and everything.