LCD's in strange places....

Posted by: lopan

LCD's in strange places.... - 16/01/2004 09:32

I understand having one in your visor, dash and the headrest. I even kind of understand why some people with show cars put them in the trunk... But why would anyone put one in their gas cap????
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: LCD's in strange places.... - 16/01/2004 10:57

So they can watch TV while filling their behemoth SUV?
Posted by: Roger

Re: LCD's in strange places.... - 16/01/2004 11:46

So they can watch TV while filling their behemoth SUV?

Given the advertisement:content ratio of most US TV and the gas mileage of the average SUV, this actually starts to sound like a good idea.

Think about it: You watch a segment while filling up. Then you drive away as the adverts start. By the time the tank's empty, you should have just about got to the next gas station, and the adverts will just be finishing, and the next segment starting.