Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep

Posted by: belezeebub

Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 24/02/2004 12:06

WHy you should never hunt deer when tired.

Cost for a hunting License 200
Cost for Rifle 600
Cost for Uber cool Ornage Outfit 300
Being razzed by every hunter on the internet Priceless

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 24/02/2004 12:56

If only the deer had somehow mauled him.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 25/02/2004 11:16

Now THAT'S funny!
Posted by: trs24

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 25/02/2004 13:14

The question here is: Who took the picture?

If it were a hunter, I'm guessing that his/her first instinct would have been to shoot the ridiculously hard to miss deer - not take a pic. Leads me to think that this pic was staged.

- trs
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 25/02/2004 13:19

If it were a hunter, I'm guessing that his/her first instinct would have been to shoot the ridiculously hard to miss deer
Nah, it's all about competition. You shoot the deer and you get one more notch on your belt. You catch a fellow hunter asleep and you get the right to give him a hard time for the rest of his life. Of course, I'm not hunter so I'm just making stuff up here!
Posted by: trs24

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 25/02/2004 16:06

Nah, it's all about competition. You shoot the deer and you get one more notch on your belt. You catch a fellow hunter asleep and you get the right to give him a hard time for the rest of his life.
Yeah, that's definitely something people like you or I would do - but judging from the personalities of my friends who hunt, they would have definitely reached for the gun first, not the camera. That is, if they had a camera with them in the first place.

Of course, the person 'armed' with the camera could have been Holling Vincoeur.
Posted by: belezeebub

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 25/02/2004 16:49

I am sure it was staged or created digitally but its still funny laugh and enjoy.
Posted by: davec

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 25/02/2004 17:03

I find the video of the guy that put doe urine on him to attract the bucks closer during the rut was better. His wife kept filming as the buck nearly killed him. It was on America's Funniest Home Videos a long time ago, and damn was it funny!
Posted by: lectric

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 25/02/2004 20:39

It has to be staged. I've never met a deer hunter that didn't use a tree stand.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 25/02/2004 20:45

We've never met, then!

(I gave it up decades ago)
Posted by: lectric

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 26/02/2004 01:01

In all honesty, I've never been. I am just basing it on all the people I've talked to about it. Living in Alabama for years, that is quite a few. I DID get to go turkey hunting once. I was five years old. My Grandfather took me. The only things I remember about the trip were eating vienna sausages in the woods and picking lead out of thanksgiving turkey.

In other words, I'm not a hunter. The only things I've ever shot are paper targets and pests. Rats, snakes, and armadillo don't count as hunting, they were all in my backyard making a nuisance.
Posted by: brendanhoar

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 26/02/2004 01:42

Been hunting once. With an ex-boyfriend of my mom's, and his three kids, all younger. So me(14), my brother (9), the boyfriend's three kids (12, 8, 6) and a ton of guns. Vivid memories:

Beforehand, target practice with a pistol: I managed to have my thumb up too high and sheared the skin on the top of the knuckle right off when it ejected a roud. Nice bloody mess.

We stood around in a tree stand for hours. The older two kids went through trying to find and drive deer. Nothing happened.

We found a deer on the walk back. Well, we found half a deer actually. That was pretty gross. Suspected poachers on the boyfriend's father's property.

Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 26/02/2004 02:10

The question here is: Who took the picture?
Were I the hunting type, I'd have taken the picture, then shot the deer. Not like the deer appears to be ready to bound off all of a sudden, requiring a quick shot or a missed chance.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 26/02/2004 08:52

Cute. The gun was very obviously photoshop'd into the frame. Dunno about the rest. But very very cute regardless.

Posted by: trs24

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights sleep - 26/02/2004 10:09

Man, I got's no love on my Northern Exposure reference. I feel so dejected.

- trs
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 26/02/2004 11:38

Man, I got's no love on my Northern Exposure reference. I feel so dejected.
Heh, sorry I didn't say anything. There was a period immediately after you posted when the photo wasn't visible, and I even "got it" then, I just didn't reply. Thought it was very cute.

Incidentally, something I've been wanting to say about this thread: If you do a bit of googling, there is actually some kind of a tradition, or maybe it's a meme or something, about taking pictures of sleeping hunters with deer. Lots of examples to be found. I'm sure most of them are staged or doctored photos. However, out of all the ones I found, the one at the top of this thread is the funniest because it's got the deer eating his lunch (none of the others I found have that in them).
Posted by: m6400

Re: Never go deer hunting with out a Good Nights s - 27/02/2004 06:45

The deer is obviously a decoy. AKA plastic. Fake. NOT real. It is also missing a hind leg. I don't know that I agree that the gun is photoshopped. Why would it be? The lighting looks right. I doubt he would fall asleep with his finger on the trigger and it is easy to prop a gun in your lap like that.