Iraqi Cuisine

Posted by: boxer

Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 09:35

Anyone know what the Iraqi diet consists of, my daughter keeps asking, I don't know why. Perhaps not now, in these hard times, but traditionally.
Saddam had chocolate bars in his secret hole is not the answer!
Posted by: peter

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 09:48

Anyone know what the Iraqi diet consists of, my daughter keeps asking, I don't know why. Perhaps not now, in these hard times, but traditionally.
AFAIK, a huge swathe of humankind from Morocco and Greece to northern India has very similar traditional diets (perhaps spicier the further east): lamb as the main protein (plus sheep's-milk cheese and other dairy products), grains e.g. couscous as the main carbohydrate, with pine nuts, sesame, chilli and parsley as flavourings. I guess the Kurds and particularly the Marsh Arabs would have more ethnically specific dishes. If you want to sample Iraqi cuisine in the UK you can do a lot worse than visit a kebab shop.

Usefully, Amazon US's "search inside the book" thing works on The Oxford Companion To Food.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 10:01

One would assume baba ghanouj, tabouleh, kabobs, kaftah, hummus, etc.

Google Directory's Middle Eastern Cuisine category would seem appropriate, possibly the Persian subcategory.
Posted by: boxer

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 10:09

I don't know why I didn't google: "Iraqi Cuisine" before posting this, I just assumed that it was a specialist subject. Google brings up reams of appropriate overviews and recipes. But thanks anyway, guys!
Posted by: andy

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 10:20

With all this talk of yummy food am I going to have to recommend one of my favourite restuarant/cafes to anyone who finds themselves in the Highbury, London (UK) area needing something to eat. Pop along to the Iznik at 19 Highbury Park and experience some excellent Turkish/Middle Eastern food.

This is a typical review for the Iznik:

(I have friends who live in Highbury and the Iznik is our normal Sunday brunch haunt when we visit)
Posted by: gui

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 11:29

I live about 5 mins walk from this place, always looked in the window when walking past, but never got round to trying it.

Seems like I better stop walking past and try it... Cheers for the recommendation.
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 09/03/2004 12:05

Having been to both Istanbul and Iznik, I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the restaurant's cuisine.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 10/03/2004 01:45

I'd also like to recommend a restaurant in my area. A great Persian restaurant in my area called Shamshiry.

So, if you're ever in Northern Virginia and want that type of food, there you go Heather was in the area recently, but wasn't able to go.
Posted by: brendanhoar

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 10/03/2004 02:10

> in Northern Virginia...


- brendan
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 10/03/2004 12:56

Oh! You're in the area? It's in Tysons Corner.
Posted by: brendanhoar

Re: Iraqi Cuisine - 10/03/2004 14:50

Yup, Arlington. In my little hermitage above Galaxy Hut.

