Runtime Errors

Posted by: Dignan

Runtime Errors - 13/03/2004 12:47

I've been getting runtime errors up the wazoo!

For some reason, on the two brand new machines I put together and my dad's old machine, once I install the complete MS Office suite, I get runtime errors all over the place! Simply visiting gives me one. It's quite annoying. What's going on and how do I stop it?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Runtime Errors - 13/03/2004 12:49

Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Runtime Errors - 13/03/2004 13:52

I *think* the office toolbar sends requests to websites for something office content - I get ows something dot dll 404 errors on my site. It may be something to do with that. You could try Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Disable Script Debugging and see if that stops them.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: Runtime Errors - 13/03/2004 13:54

I don't think it's that. This is happening in three machines, only in Internet Explorer, only after I've installed Office. My dad's machine is a Dell that hasn't had these errors in the two years he's owned it, the others are brand new machines with Crucial brand memory.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Runtime Errors - 13/03/2004 13:57

Hmm. I tried that and I didn't get the error on anymore. Then I tried unchecking it again, and I still didn't get the error. I'll leave it checked to test the long run. I'll ask my dad to let me know if he sees the error again.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Runtime Errors - 14/03/2004 19:40

Dust off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Runtime Errors - 14/03/2004 21:58

The script debugging thing did the trick, though. Haven't gotten the error since. It was definitely something that the Office installation did, though that seems like an odd step to include in the installation.