Richard Clarke... Discuss

Posted by: loren

Richard Clarke... Discuss - 25/03/2004 00:55

I can't believe there hasn't been any posts about the recent "Clarke" revelations. Did any of you listen or watch the hearings today?? Mind blowing stuff man. I didn't catch it but have been reading the transcript (83 pages!!!) of the testimony from the 9/11comission today... unfuckingbelievable. Combined with the way the administration is spinning this... it's almost too much to swallow at once. My jaw hurts from being hinged to the floor. If you haven't been following this... i urge you to check out his statements. There's a full transcript here.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Richard Clarke... Discuss - 25/03/2004 11:26

Posted by: brendanhoar

Re: Richard Clarke... Discuss - 25/03/2004 22:36,&Page=2

Sept. 11 Commission Hearing - Day 2, Afternoon Session
Former NSC counterterrorism head Richard Clarke & Deputy Sec. of State Richard Armitage testify before the September 11 Commission.
3/24/2004: WASHINGTON, DC: 3 hr. 30 min.

Reading the transcripts? The whole thing was edge-of-my-seat *GRIPPING* testimony. Watch the video!

Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Richard Clarke... Discuss - 28/03/2004 21:48

The university bookstore had Clarke's book on sale for ~$20 and I decided on Friday that I needed to read it. Just finished about an hour ago and I have some thoughts:

It was not a difficult read. He is a pretty effective writer (not ghostwritten from what I could tell).

There is a fair amount of interesting history in the book over and above the criticisms of the Bush administration that have received so much attention.

While in retrospect Clarke certainly seems to have more sympathy for Clinton's attempts to deal with terrorist threats, Clarke come across as a career professional and no bleeding heart -- somebody who advocated a lot of bombing and more direct action in Afghanistan earlier.

His headshaking "WTF?" reaction to the bizarre Bush/Wolfowitz/Rice/Cheney/Rumsfeld obsession with Iraq don't come off as the isolated reaction of a lone malcontent. From the sounds of it, Clarke had his share of headshaking, WTF? company. Current attampts at Clarke character assasination may further backfire if more Clarkes, O'Neals and Wilsons come forward. (Heard former ambassador Joe Wilson speak on the radio a few weeks back. Talk about icy anger. Made Clarke seem like Pollyanna on Prozac).

Was I shocked at Clarke's testimony or outraged? Hardly. I feel like I have gone beyond outrage at the horrific, wrong-headed ideological bumbling of Bush & Co. I *am* gratified to have another pro take them to task in such a detailed fashion.