mp3 to wav

Posted by: bonzi

mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 05:16

I need a free mp3 'expander' (for Win). Wav production wil be very occasional, but I would still like the thing to be reasonably fast. What would you suggest?
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 05:46

Winamp will do this. Its very very fast Get v5.03.

Go to options, preferences, plug-ins, output, then Nullsoft Disk Writer plugin. Make sure you configure where the file ends up and also ensure you are not set on 'repeat'.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 06:28

Thanks, Philip!

I am using Winamp 5.03 and have Disk Writer plugin, but for some strange reason have assumed (quite unreasonably and without checking ) that it would write in real time, at the same time playing through 'normal' audio output...

Works very well, of course.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 10:37

Has anyone had less then desirable results using the Disk Writer plugin? For a while I was using this to do some audio conversions for DVD creation, and the resulting wavs sounded like someone turned the treble full-blast or something. It was very harsh. This was in 2.x but I'd be suprised if they really changed all that much in that plugin.

Now for almost everything I do, I import the audio file into Cool Edit Pro. I know, not the free solution you wanted, but I can take pretty much any file and turn it into several other types. More importantly, I can up the bitrate to get 44.1 files up to 48 for DVD. And there's no difference in the result that I can hear.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 10:42

LAME also has a builtin decoder if you don't need/want a GUI and you're already using it to encode.
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 11:00

Never a problem with it myself - but I wasn't really listening for dodgy sound when v2 was out. Since having the empeg I'm more tuned into how a file sounds.

I think v2 did have some issues which were fixed in later releases.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 11:30

I've used the disk writer plugin in Winamp 2.x numerous times over the years, and never encountered the problem you describe.

Question: The MP3s that you had the trouble with.... Were they, by any chance, some unusual bit depth or sampling rate? Something other than 16 bit 44.1khz stereo?
Posted by: bonzi

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 12:51

Lame is another tool I use daily... Sigh. I should be a bit less lazy looking around, but asking anything here guarantees prompt and competent answer, so one easily takes the route of least effort.

I will compare Winamp and Lame, though, with my ears, verdict 'no difference' hardly means anything...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: mp3 to wav - 18/04/2004 16:54

Sans bugs, any mp3 decoder should produce identical output from the same input. So use whichever is easier for you.
Posted by: PaulWay

Re: mp3 to wav - 19/04/2004 00:06

If memory serves, there were some issues with the WinAmp MP3 decoder doing a bad job, but from memory that was around version 1.8 or so. I heard criticisms on and off since then so I don't know (and I imagine they would have fixed this up now). But if I were wanting quality decodes to WAV format then I'd use LAME.

The WinAmp decoder was built for speed, like PKZip.

Have fun,
