DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV

Posted by: drakino

DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 11:45

Following on Bitt's "Actually, it's not all that new, either. " thread...

DVArchive 3.0 is out. The new version adds:
View and Search TV Listings
Schedule new recordings on your ReplayTV (ReplayTV 5xxx series only)
View lists up the upcoming recordings (and conflicts) for your ReplayTVs
Access these listings, schedule recordings, schedule downloads, etc via a web browser from anywhere in the world
Stream to any PC on the LAN via the web interface, DVArchive is no longer needed on every machine

It also seems to have fixed some of the download speed issues 2.1 had. I was easially pulling files down at about 12mbit now, compaired to the old 5mbit limit due to stability reasons.

I discovered the new version when a friend got his new Replay 5040 unit for cheep off the outlet store.
Posted by: morrisdl

Re: DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 11:59

My fav new feature: Schedule repetitive copies of any image on web to the replaytv screen saver folder. I found a couple uses: Copy weather maps and forecasts every 60 minutes. Copy web cam images from favorite vacation spots.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 12:51

You beat me to this, I was thinking the exact same thing as I read the tivo thread. Long live hack free video extraction and comercial advance.

Posted by: matthew_k

Re: DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 13:02

Which reminds me, anyone using dvarchive should be using reVue to watch them. Comercial advance on downloaded shows is great, and (if I'm not mistaken) it lets you adjust the cut points and crop the mpeg.

Posted by: tonyc

Re: DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 13:21

Yeah, been running 3.0 for a week or so now, it's the king. Some OS X stability issues that the author knows about, but nothing that's interfered too much.
Posted by: morrisdl

Re: DVArchive 3.0 is out - ReplayTV - 10/05/2004 14:50

Thanks! didnt know about ReVue. I usually catchup on my TV on the plane.