Camera carrying bag

Posted by: russmeister

Camera carrying bag - 13/05/2004 08:20

So I decided to buy the EOS Digital Rebel. My next purchase needs to be a quality carrying bag. Can anyone point me to something they have purchased? I don't want a big bag but something that will give me room to grow, maybe if I decide to purchase an additional lens.

Any ideas?
Posted by: Cris

Re: Camera carrying bag - 13/05/2004 08:27

Snap! I've just got one of those too! Great Camera.

I've got 2 Crumpler bags, the Smuggler and the MASSIVE December Quarter. I'm very happy with both, I use the small Smuggler when I am out and about, and the DQ when I want EVERYTHING with me.

They are really well made, but I suggest you make sure they are right for you before taking the plunge as I think they are over priced unless it does exactly what you want.


Posted by: mlord

Re: Camera carrying bag - 13/05/2004 08:46

Lowe Pro Nova 2, last year's version if you can still find it.

Room for camera with zoom+hood attached, one extra zoom lens (or two primes), external flash (or another lens, up to 70-200), and room in the pockets/mesh for everything else (cellphone, GPSr, cache goodies, ...). This was my handbag for last summer in Europe -- it went with me everywhere, and worked wonderfully.

Posted by: DWallach

Re: Camera carrying bag - 13/05/2004 15:46

I ended up getting a LowePro Nova-something-or-other as well. You really need to find yourself at a good camera store, gear in hand, and play with the different bags. I spent maybe 30 minutes loading and unloading bags. Just for the LowePro Nova's, there are four different sizes (Mini-Nova, Nova-1, Nova-2, and Nova-3), and a few other closely related bags available. I'd say that you should never purchase a camera bag sight-unseen.