Cool movie trailer

Posted by: mschrag

Cool movie trailer - 23/06/2004 09:18
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Cool movie trailer - 23/06/2004 09:43

I'm not a big manga fan, I didn't understand a word they said, and "Appleseed" is a dumb name for a movie. All that aside, the trailer was quite cool and the movie definately has some fantastic eye candy.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Cool movie trailer - 23/06/2004 09:50

Pretty amazing animation. Now if they can just figure out how to get the characters' eyes to be smaller than their heads.
Posted by: Skunk

Re: Cool movie trailer - 23/06/2004 10:19

Here's more.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Cool movie trailer - 23/06/2004 10:37

Great eye candy. Every frame of it was a "seen it somewhere else before" cliche', but it sure looked great all wrapped together. They seem to have struck exactly the right balance between cartoon and photorealism, something that films like Titan A.E. didn't quite nail.