Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY

Posted by: FireFox31

Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY - 03/07/2004 23:42

A while back, I got into rock climbing. But as with every fun thing in my life, I never have a partner to go with.

So, are there any rock climbers among us who live in the NJ, PA, or NY area and want to climb some weeknights or weekends?

For lack of a partner, I generally go to the area gyms (Fairfield NJ, Windgap PA, New Brunswick NJ) and want to try some others (~Princeton NJ, Randolph NJ). But I'd also love to try some live rock; bouldering and even top roping.

Anyone game? Let me know. It would be fun.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY - 03/07/2004 23:49

how far are you from Wilmington, DE?
my brother loves to climb rocks, but he just moved there in October of last year and has nobody to climb with
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY - 12/07/2004 22:30

(ah, vacation got in the way of my BBS time, for shame)

I'm not too too far from Deleware. I'm near the top of NJ and DE's down at the bottom. It'd be fun for a weekend every once in a while. Is there a good park with rocks there?

I started thinking after hearing about how most people at the Amersfoort meet were on a long "holiday" and visiting all kinds of stuff. Maybe I should train and work toward doing a rock climbing trip in the US. Driving to visiting some of the good spots in the Eastern US. Maybe next summer or so.

So, yeah, if there's a cool spot in DE, I'd appreciate the info so I can look into it. Thanks.
Posted by: genixia

Re: Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY - 13/07/2004 14:51

Just to get in before l0ser...

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Rock climbing in NJ, PA, NY - 13/07/2004 22:52

::smacks forehead::, I'm seriously going to have to spell check myself arr^Hound here now.