HD TiVo & other misc stuff

Posted by: jbauer

HD TiVo & other misc stuff - 15/07/2004 18:03

Hi All,

Sorry - I've been away for a while. I miss you guys/gals!!!

Looks like Amersfoot was a blast. Sorry I missed that.

A few things:

1) I got my HD TiVo recently. LOVE it, but have a one issue:

My Terk/Leapfrog video/audio/remote sender uses the same frequency as someone else's in my building. So I'm receiving their remote commands! I can't find who is doing it! I need to fix this! Either I need to make my TiVo NOT respond to a remote set to zero or find some other creative solution! I already called Terk. Can't change the Leapfrog. Any other ideas?

2) Anyone wanna buy a Sony T60 TiVo with TurboNet card?

- Jon
Posted by: Attack

Re: HD TiVo & other misc stuff - 15/07/2004 18:35

Change your TiVo remote to 0 and walk around pressing the Now Playing button over and over or make a small notice and put it on everyones door.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: HD TiVo & other misc stuff - 15/07/2004 19:07

I don't think the ir would work for that...

I THOUGHT that if they're remote was have an effect on me, that I must also be having an effect on them. I guess thats not true - at least it doesn't appear that way. When I hit TiVo, I then hear then hit keys that make my TiVo go "bong bong bong" - so my keypress didn't hit their TiVo...

I already sent a note to the whole building, but no joy...

- Jon