F 9/11

Posted by: schofiel

F 9/11 - 26/07/2004 21:55

I have just come out of F 9/11, and I confess - I liked it, in spite of the fact it was muddy and needed editing. Bush MUST GO. There is no doubt. You MUST make it your personal responsibility to get rid of this [censored], before he destroys the world. USE YOUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT TO VOTE. Don't waste it. Convince ten of your friends to do the same. Then make sure your friends convince their 10 also - and push the message on.

Posted by: Daria

Re: F 9/11 - 26/07/2004 23:48

I haven't seen it yet, but I did see the original "Manchurian Candidate" last night.

So, you think Cheney might be a communist? Eh. Maybe not.
Posted by: drakino

Re: F 9/11 - 27/07/2004 01:13

Well, when my vote actually counts towards putting a person into the Presidential office, I'll be more concerned how I vote. For now, well, we have a president in office who did not get there by earning the most votes.

*grumble* stupid outdated electoral college *grumble*
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: F 9/11 - 27/07/2004 03:25

Tell me about it! Living in Utah sucks sometimes. The state will go Republican period. And Hatch will get re-elected when this term is up. At least I voted for the other guy last time!