Roku Soundbridge

Posted by: David

Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 08:30

My much-awaited Roku Soundbridge arrived this morning. Have only played with it a little, but it's pretty nice. I've got the M1000 model, which has the smaller screen.

It's completely plug-and-play and connected to my iTunes shared music instantly. Works well, but it buffers each track before it plays it and it doesn't seem to buffer upcoming tracks, so skipping tracks results in a pause while it fills the buffer. I think/hope this is something that will probably get addressed in a future update.

The interface is simple and efficient. Browsing for music is easy - you can search by artist, album, song, etc and jump through the alphabet with the left/right keys, then skip through the list with the up/down keys. It also picks up playlists from iTunes and provides the option to skip songs in iTunes that are unchecked.

The visualisations are a little disappointing, but that's coming from someone who is used to Toby's excellent work, so maybe my expectations are a little higher than the average consumer.

Build quality is very good - the aluminium is finished very well, the plastic endcaps are ok. The remote control is solid and well designed.

The VFD display is clear and bright; unfortunately the edges of the panel are clearly visible through the front panel - maybe tinting the front panel would have helped hide this, but it's a very minor cosmetic issue.

Overall, I'm very impressed. Having seen the effort that was required to get the first empeg players out the door, I can appreciate the hard work that Roku has put into this and understand the delays. I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to replace their ageing Rio Receiver.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 08:38

Can you que up tracks/albums/playlists or just play premade playlists ?
Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 08:48

You can add songs/albums/etc to the 'song queue'. I think you're limited to always adding them to the end of the queue though.
Posted by: peter

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 08:48

Works well, but it buffers each track before it plays it and it doesn't seem to buffer upcoming tracks, so skipping tracks results in a pause while it fills the buffer. I think/hope this is something that will probably get addressed in a future update.

Is it gapless moving from track to track if you don't skip?

Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 08:56

When playing normally, it does pre-buffer the next track and it doesn't appear to add any gap other than what is in the MP3 files to start with.
Posted by: Cris

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 14:07

Hi David,

I've been looking into getting one of these for a while, now they are out is there any chance of you posting a couple of real life photos, I can't seem to find any out there yet


Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 14:38

Front view
Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 14:38

Top view with remote
Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 11/08/2004 14:44

Very short movie
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 00:13

Roku Labs Website specs and line cards there.
Posted by: tahir

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 09:26

It's completely plug-and-play and connected to my iTunes shared music instantly. Works well, but it buffers each track before it plays it and it doesn't seem to buffer upcoming tracks, so skipping tracks results in a pause while it fills the buffer.

So finally they've delivered one :shock: It's suppose to work with slimserver software as well which may not have the same problem.
Posted by: peter

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 10:40

So finally they've delivered one :shock: It's suppose to work with slimserver software as well which may not have the same problem.

Or, as it supports Vorbis and Flac, might make the same problem much more apparent. (I'm not trying to have a go at Roku --they've got the hardware right, and if they've got the software right too then it's the best product in the world and I desparately need one. But getting the software right is hard ("Buffering"?), and until there's good evidence they've done so, I'm sticking with a Receiver Edition car-player.)

And is it too snarky in current company to want, for that money and on that nice a screen, a proportional font with proper descenders on "p" and "y"?

Posted by: David

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 11:17

"a proportional font with proper descenders on "p" and "y"?

That's something I found fairly disappointing - the typeface is very poor and the large size face is appallingly bad. The text scrolls a character at a time too, even though the bootup sequence has text that scrolls properly - maybe that is an animation though.

Still, the product has only just got out the door and I'm sure they'll continue to develop the software.
Posted by: tahir

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 11:59

I'm not trying to have a go at Roku --they've got the hardware right, and if they've got the software right too then it's the best product in the world and I desparately need one.

Have you tried a squeezebox? I've had slimp3's since they came out and they're brilliant and the SB's supposed to be even better (and now has a snazzy display just like Roku's) and supports most formats (Flac, ogg, etc) plus a host of 3rd party add-ons.
Posted by: tman

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 12/08/2004 14:16

It works with the older slimserver protocol. There is no support from either Roku or Slimdevices however.
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 17/07/2005 17:16

Got mine yesterday All I can say is WOW WHAT A MACHINE!!!!!'

Posted by: DWallach

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 17/07/2005 23:56

I've got a Slim Devices Squeezebox. I'm similarly happy with it. Even better, when I had that lightning strike at my house, the Squeezebox died. They quoted me $90 to repair it, so I shipped it back. It came back fixed, no charge. Nice.
Posted by: Foz

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 18/07/2005 13:14

I picked a Roku up about a month ago... I'm fairly happy with it, except it doesn't work well with the slimserver software. I get constant rebuffering and cutouts, and I've tried multiple versions of the slimserver software to no avail.

Works great with iTunes, but until I can get the cutouts fixed with slimserver I'm going to have to hold back on recommending it to my more clueful friends.

-- Gary F.
Posted by: peter

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 18/07/2005 13:22

Works great with iTunes, but until I can get the cutouts fixed with slimserver I'm going to have to hold back on recommending it to my more clueful friends.

A friend of mine uses one with mt-daapd: a Linux-based server for the Itunes protocol.

However, this doesn't get you lossless (FLAC).

Apparently, slimserver setups can transcode FLAC to WAV on the server, for lossless playback. Has anyone done this? How well does seeking within a track work? Are track transitions gapless?

Posted by: Foz

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 18/07/2005 16:25

Hmm, thanks for the pointer for mt-daapd, I hadn't stumbled across this yet. I'll definitely be playing around with it on my jukebox. It looks like it doesn't support Ogg out of the box (which I need since >50% of my collection is in ogg) but it also looks like it does support on the fly transcoding. Of course, slimserver will also supposedly do this but I haven't had much luck with it.

-- Gary F.
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 18/07/2005 17:45

Have you tried Windows Media has been working well for me these past few days. I haven't experienced any rebuffering or dropouts so far...
Posted by: Foz

Re: Roku Soundbridge - 18/07/2005 19:41

The big problem with that is I don't own a single windows machine. I have an Ultra-1 running solaris, a laptop running linux, a desktop running linux, a jukebox server running linux, a linux-powered NAS, 2 empegs that run linux and a mac mini running Mac OS-X

I've got an old spare toshiba pentium piece of junk sitting in the closet waiting for me to build a jukebox for my garage that I could theoretically install windows on but then I'd have to *ahem* acquire a windows license somewhere which just probably isn't going to happen.

Guess you could call me an OS bigot... but then, I don't just whine about how little I like Microsoft, I actually put my money where my mouth is

-- Gary F.