Dell-branded 802.11g router

Posted by: robricc

Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 01:21

You might want to stay away from this router. I've been running it for the past 6 months with minimal issues. Today, out of nowhere, it sh*t the bed. Completely dead even after doing a reset with the little button on the back.

I'm back online with my trusty RT311.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 01:33

I've seen those routers twice for troubleshooting, and I really disliked their admin pages.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 03:16

It's a shame Apple's competition for it is so much pricier.

Does it not power up now, or is it something more nefarious?
Posted by: robricc

Re: Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 11:11

Does it not power up now, or is it something more nefarious?

something more nefarious.

The link light for the internet connection blinks at an obviously timed pace, but on the cable modem itself, its link light blinks like you would expect. The wireless portion of the router is totally dead. It still works as a switch still, but it's no longer giving out IP addresses for DHCP. The built-in web server for admin is unreachable eventhough you can ping the router still.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 12:54

One of those flash-upgradable routers? Have you tried a reflash?
Posted by: robricc

Re: Dell-branded 802.11g router - 12/10/2004 13:32

I will try to reflash it eventually. I'm actually a fan of the RT311 and I guess I intend to keep it going. I was only using the dell one because of the built-in 802.11g. Right now I'm using the RT311 with an old, but stable 802.11b AP.