Average specs on cellphones?

Posted by: mschrag

Average specs on cellphones? - 14/10/2004 01:18

Anyone happen to know of a site that tracks average specs for the most popular cell phones like RAM, resolution, colordepth, etc?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Average specs on cellphones? - 14/10/2004 03:11

That would be a nice site if it existed. Sort of a "DPReview" for cell phones. If you find one, let us know. If not, start one, it would be hella popular.
Posted by: David

Re: Average specs on cellphones? - 14/10/2004 12:05

Have a look at http://www.phonescoop.com/

These might be useful too:
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Average specs on cellphones? - 14/10/2004 14:12

phonescoop is close but not QUITE what I need ... It's setup more from a consumer perspective vs I'm looking at it more from a developer perspective. I want to be able to basically get a view that shows me aggregate data rather than individual results. They probably have the data to be able to DO this, they just aren't showing it like that right now (though it doesn't look like they track screen resolution, in particular, as a field).

It is a cool site, though ...