So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feeds

Posted by: gbeer

So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feeds - 22/11/2004 00:51

Posted by: tonyc

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feeds - 22/11/2004 01:05

I use Trillian Pro's News plugin to do RSS on my PC. On the Mac, NetNewsWire is a very good RSS reader. The Firefox browser does RSS well from what I'm told, also.
Posted by: drakino

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feeds - 22/11/2004 01:29

I'll be looking to add the rest of the boards soon, along with the suggestion to also offer just threads and not posts.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feed - 22/11/2004 04:58

Cool, I didn't know foxfire did this. Don't know if I needed to but I updated to 1.0.
After creating the live-link, what I see is an icon in my links toolbar. When I click on it I see a list of off topic posts that I may choose from.

Is this what rss is supposed to do?
It's neat, but some how I was expecting... well I'm not quite sure what.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feed - 22/11/2004 05:21

I'll be looking to add the rest of the boards soon, along with the suggestion to also offer just threads and not posts.

I'm seeing entire threads in flat mode. It's kind of strange, the live feed listing has each post listed but each jumps to the top of the thread.

edit: it's (firefox) also showing threads in flat mode, even if I change my preference to threaded.
Posted by: Roger

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feeds - 22/11/2004 07:12


I use RSS Bandit for all of my other RSS feeds, but I've not tried it with the BBS yet.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: So what is a good piece of ware for reading the new empeg RSS feed - 22/11/2004 07:26

If you regularly read usenet, then something that converts RSS to NNTP could be useful. Here is a GPL Java implementation of it.