Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker!

Posted by: Ian Whelan

Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 13:51

hahah. Hilarious.
Posted by: cushman

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 14:06

The comments are the best! Some of them try to deconstruct the article point-by-point!
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 14:35

Wow. That was truly a great read. I just can't believe how many people really took this seriously. Some of those people took an awful lot of effort creating detalied posts arguging with the author. Sort of like trying to debate the quality of music in "This is Spinal Tap".
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 14:39

OMG! LOL. I love the bit about Bonzi Buddy etc being hacking software and AMD being third world with sweat shops hehehe. I couldnt help but laugh while reading that.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 21:06

Strange site. I think I even found one article (9/11 related) that was actually serious. Comments are the best part - for some it is hard to say whether they are serious or not. Great time waster!
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 13/01/2005 21:26

Are you inferring the music in "This is Spinal Tap" isn't quality? (One of my cow-orkers and I use one liners from Spinal Tap daily )

It was a hilarious read! I feel like I grew up just as personal computers were going into homes, and I wonder if my parents wondered about me much. 13 year old kid looking for BBS's to call up. Then when we first got a connection to the Internet. I'm sure I must have been a hacker! Of course it's taken me until now to start looking at "Lunix".
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 14/01/2005 01:49

Are you inferring the music in "This is Spinal Tap" isn't quality? (One of my cow-orkers and I use one liners from Spinal Tap daily )
In the vein of "not getting the joke", the drummer in my band tells a story about these groupies from an earlier band about 15 years ago who'd heard that Spinal Tap was looking for a new drummer and they though he should try out. The were dead serious. He tried to keep a straight face and said he'd pass . . .
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 14/01/2005 02:39

LOL! Between stuff like that and the article above (more the comments to it) one really has to wonder about the intelligence of some people... j/k Tony
Posted by: clsmith

Re: Watch out, your son might be a computer hacker! - 14/01/2005 04:09

Six Children? Wife Carol?!? Son Peter, Daughter Cindy who is prone to telling stories - Let me guess; The Author's name is Michael and Jan, Marsha, Greg and Bobby had no interest in the computer. Cousin Oliver however is a full blown Cyber Terrorist!