Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app?

Posted by: hybrid8

Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 14:36

I'm looking for a decent program to allow me to put together scripts to control other Windows applications (must run in Windows XP). Such a program should have Recording ability to record keystrokes and mouse events, control looping, hopefully allow nested looped recorded macros, etc.. It should be relatively inexpensive - if not free. And at least offer some free demo usage time so I can make sure it does what I need.

I'm trying to automate a few programs for a very repetitive task. I've done a few searches but none of the programs I've found are quite ideal. A long time ago I was searching for some other (unrelated) software and kept finding this type of program. now i want something and everything I come up with isn't convenient enough or simple enough - or it's put together by someone with no concept of software design and costs $200.

Any suggestions welcome.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 14:43

I've used Macro Magic before. Worked well. Not sure if it does nested, but it defintely meets all your other criteria.

Free for 30 days.
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 14:43

I dont have any personal experience with this program and not sure if its exactly what you want but I found AutoIt
Posted by: Roger

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 14:45

You might also want to look at QA-type tools. They have a lot of macro facilities, in order that they can run tests against applications. Some are quite pricey, though.
Posted by: Glen_L

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 15:31

I dont have any personal experience with this program and not sure if its exactly what you want but I found AutoIt

I can certainly vouch for this free program. I've used the AutoItX version of it along with VBScript to automate many applications. Although I'm most familiar with the old V2.63 version, I read through the V3 .chm file and the new version adds a lot of new functionality. It even has an app that gets you window coordinates in real-time for aiming mouse clicks, etc.

Sorry if I sound a bit overzealous, it's pretty rare on here that someone hits on my narrow area of expertise
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 17:48

Does anyone know if any of these tools (or others) can identify not only controls in a window, but their contents as well? I know AutoIt has a thing called WindowSpy which gets you Window and control names, but I have instances where I'd like to get the contents of a pop-up (combobox) menu and dump to a text file. That way I know how many items exist inside it for executing loops, etc. I'd also know the names of all the items in case I wanted to use them to label some output...

Also, I can't seem to find out if AutoIt has a mode to automatically record keystrokes and mouse movements on the target application or if it all must be scripted by hand. This might be a job for both MacroMajic and AutoIt together...

Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 18:16

I dont know about combo boxes but regular popup dialogs in windows xp like error dialogs if you hit Ctrl+C you can then paste the text from that dialog into a text file. Great for error boxes.
Posted by: Attack

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 18:50

At work we have used Perfect Keyboard Pro for the past 4 years. We even have one machine that runs a script that calls a perfect keyboard macro to fill out some info and then run the second script. We have used this macro since 03/01/2002. We check the box to every day via VNC, and maybe once a every month the macro will have failed due to server being down or slow.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 07/02/2005 18:58

AutoIt looks very good. MacroMagic unfortunately doesn't. I tried a few things in it and it didn't work as I expected - and I couldn't wrap my brain around how it was supposed to work. AutoIt is just a plain old interpreted language with many built in functions and commands to deal with windows and controls. It's going to be a lot more manual-reference, but I think it can do everything I need alone.

I'm going to look at at the otehr suggestions though in hopes of some integration that might save time.

Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 08/02/2005 13:29

Another vote for AutoIt.
I've primaly used version 2, under which I've many scripts that have run repeatly with out fault - on the times when they have failed it been due to a user interaction. Of course I should really find a way to fix these failures - one of these days.
Version 3 brings alot more to the table, espically in terms of loops, and is a much better layout for anyone coming from any interpreted language background.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 00:11

Such a program should have Recording ability to record keystrokes and mouse events


AutoIt looks very good. .... AutoIt is just a plain old interpreted language...

Does it really record and play back mouse events as well?

I use a macro-capable keyboard for my macro stuff. The one I have now is sold by Fentek and does what I need. It will not allow nested macros, however, which you said you needed.

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 15:52

AutoIt (v3) is pretty much a BASIC-style scripting language with built-in functionality to manipulate windows, the keyboard and the mouse, in addition to some more normal stuff like files, etc. No recording ability.

I've been able to use it to do what I want. My only wish in fact would be for it to support windows messages which I don't think it does (you can only interact with a window when it is visible and you can't send a mouse event message, but only a real mouse click (requiring the window to also be active)).

For my little project I'm using control commands (target a specific window control like a button and tell it to "click"), keyboard events (send a key to current window or specific control, like edit box or list box), and mouse events (calculate and specify coordinates where clicking should occur - this requires that the destination not be obstructed). A bunch of error checking is needed to make sure the proper window is active before doing certain things (often involving waiting for that window to be active just to make sure).

Posted by: ricin

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 17:28

WinBatch might be out of your price range, but I've been using it for years and it has never failed me. It's very powerful and can do everything you've listed. Not sure why it wasn't mentioned yet in this thread; maybe this is the one you bashed in your post. Anyway, the language is pretty nice, and with all of the free extenders out there, it has endless capabilities.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 17:44

I did see that one. I just thought that if their site was that confusing, that the program was sure to be a nightmare. Plus the blue owls really freaked me out.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 18:29

Not sure why it wasn't mentioned yet in this thread

Because I had my reply about WinBatch half way typed in when I realized it had been so many years since I'd used it that I had no idea what it was like now, or if other products were better.

These days, when I need something like that done, I just write a quick VB program to do it. Or I find some other method other than ghosting keystrokes and mouse clicks.
Posted by: ricin

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 18:37

Their site does need a bit of work, and they've over-branded with that owl. As far as WinBatch itself, though, it's fairly well thought out. I would at least suggest taking a look at it. It's the best one out there out of all the ones I've tried. We used it when I was at Kaiser all the time, and we use it where I am now a lot as well. It's well worth the $100. Where it gets a bit expensive is if you want the compiler (~ $500), but IMHO, still worth it, if you're in a situation where you need it.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 19:27

Well, nothing says automation quite like an owl.

I guess.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 19:28

And nothing says open source quite like a penguin.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 19:45

Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 09/02/2005 20:03

Ideally I wanted to be able to communicate with the windows and controls in the background so I wouldn't have to ghost clicks and keyboard input. Another program I tried actually used a recorder but captured all the classIDs of everything clicked on.

The program(s) I'm manipulating aren't the best designed nor implemented pieces of software either and I can't say they're standardized in a very good manner (necessitating the mouse clicks). The real test begins when I have to integrate one more program which I'm currently still waiting for in the mail...

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 10/02/2005 17:45

Ok, I need some help. I'm using the following command to pull a string from the currently selected item in a combobox.

$commandName = ControlGetText ($sendWin, "", "ComboBox1" )

Now, if I look at $commandName it's two bytes with a useless ASCII representation. Generally I get a question mark followed by a square.

I really want to see the HEX value of those two bytes. But I can't figure out how to do it with AutoIt. Any help?

Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 11/02/2005 15:17

Sorry Bruno, your doing something I've not tried to do.
Can you send me enough code so I can replicate what your doing?
What does AutoIt Window Spy tell you about that combobox?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 11/02/2005 16:46

It doesn't say much about the Combobox. Doesn't show how many items it has nor their index values. I wrote the value I read from the control to the clipbard and then read the clipboard contents in an editor. Mostly useless. The numbers that came out were definitely not an index and not what I wanted.

I've resorted to doing something different instead. There's a new version of AutoIt up in the last few days which supports this type of functionality for ListView controls (getting total number of indexes and individual index numbers, etc..)

Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 11/02/2005 17:25

Thanks for the heads up on the new version, due to an extreme tangent my job has recently taken I've not been keeping up with it.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 11/05/2006 03:55

I was asked for a similar solution recently. I'm curious as to how happy you are with it after all these months? Did you continue using it? Did you find something better?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 11/05/2006 14:12

As far as I can tell, AutoIt is one of the best scripting programs for Windows. Certainly one of the most sensible to me anyway. It's got easy syntax and if you know how to program (Basic, Pascal, C, C++, etc...) you can figure this out in a second.

The newest versions have the ability to construct many more UI elements so you can actually construct something that takes user input in a number of ways. It's not what I was using it for, but I really appreciated that its extra functionality did not hinder/complicate its basic functions. A lot of other programs/packages out there are a mish-mash of features and not very well implemented/thought out.

I wish it were available for Mac OS as well. Applescript is pretty cool functionally, but I can't stand its syntax.

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Good automation / Macro (keyboard & mouse) / scripting app? - 14/05/2006 13:25

I'm surprised that I didn't add Macro Angel 2 to this list. It has a massive pile of features for UI automation in Windows. I only ever used the keyboard scripting, which is easy to construct and allows very detailed granularity (ie: allowing different millisecond delays between keypresses).

Apparently it's discontinued, but I think it said that when I downloaded my copy from the site. Worked for me.