Red eyes

Posted by: visuvius

Red eyes - 07/04/2005 20:41

Hi Guys.

My eyes have been crazy red for the last 2 weeks or so. It's odd though, because it seems to be mostly the bottom half of each eye. I'm not getting any other side effects with it either, just severe redness. I'm asking here because I'm in front of the computer about 8 hours a day and I assume a lot of you guys are as well. I don't have any other explanation other than the monitor (LCD) irratating my eyes; although, I've never had this problem before. Oh, and I don't wear glasses -- but most everyone in my family does. Anyone have any experience with this? Alls I can find on the web are links to what pink eye looks like. This is starting to creep people out.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Red eyes - 07/04/2005 22:16

It could very well be some kind of conjunctivitis. See a doctor. You probably need antibiotics.

Sitting in front of the computer combined with lack of sleep can make my eyes red, but not as red as an infection would. Not enough to freak people out.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: Red eyes - 07/04/2005 22:41

You might also be having an allergic reaction of some sort. It's spring and all the plants are waking up and pollen is in the air. Again, like Tony said, time to go see a doctor.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 00:17

Lay off smokin' the ganja!


(seriously - why ask here? GO SEE A DOCTOR!)
Posted by: cushman

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 00:24

I take a hit of the weed and then blew a smoke screen
No Visine just a little, Afro-Sheen
and a High Times magazine
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 01:03

So watcha watcha watcha want?
Posted by: SnoopDogg

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 01:25

I got the rolly on my arm and I'm pouring Chandon And I roll the best weed 'cause I got it going on
Posted by: visuvius

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 01:26

Umm, because I thought I could ask in a friendly forum what others thoughts were.

I looked up information about conjunctivitis on WebMD and don't seem to have any of its other symptoms. I've seen pink eye and this ain't it. I've also never experienced allergies and really doubt its that. Hopefully I can see the doc tommorow. thx for the input.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 01:57

Are they red like they're bloodshot, that is, you can see a web of veins, or are they solid red? If it's the latter, I'm surprised that you haven't run screaming to the doctor, because it's really disturbing looking, but it's nothing major. It's called a subconjunctival hemorrhage, but it's essentially just a bruise in your eye, probably from straining. But you say it's both eyes, which would be unusual, I think.

Of course, if it's webby, then I don't know.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 02:47

It could also be a sign of high blood pressure. The capilaries in the eyes are really quite fragile. I don't suppose you've been sneezing a lot? This can burst vessels, too.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 03:59

also, not enough oxygen to they eye can cause the capillaries to start 'crawling' across the eyes in seek of more oxygen. afaik this is irreversible.
Posted by: drakino

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 04:19

I've also never experienced allergies and really doubt its that.

A persons allergies can easially change over their life. Mine have quite a bit already. As a baby, I was allergic to apples, but can now eat them fine. At a younger age I developed an allergy to horses for some reason. Now my allergies are changing again, and I need to look for a new home for my cats. Before I kept them out of my bedroom, a cat hair on my pillow did cause a condition with my eye for about 4 days. Most basic allergy symptoms start out very suttle. I still don't snease or anything around my cats, but their hair or claws can cause my skin to go a nice shade of red over time.
Posted by: frog51

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 08:18

A friend at work got hit with a bad inhalation of some chemical which made her sneeze. She sneezed so much both eyes went completely red.

Very spooky, but also very cool. I'll have to see if I have any pictures left. She was perfect for a part in a horror film...except for the otherwise pleasant smily face
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 09:24

Somewhat unrelated but early last summer and for about 8 months afterward, I developed red rashes around both eye sockets..a dermatologist said that it could be either eczema or contact dermatitis (I handle some really filthy documents all day at work)...anyway, it turned out that the Zantac I was taking for my heartburn was the cause...once I weened myself off of it, the rashes went away.....
Posted by: andy

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 09:36

If it's the latter, I'm surprised that you haven't run screaming to the doctor, because it's really disturbing looking, but it's nothing major. It's called a subconjunctival hemorrhage, but it's essentially just a bruise in your eye, probably from straining.

Kind of like what happened to one of my eyes a couple of months ago. What worried me was that it got worse before it got better. It continued bleeding for 36 hours or so before the break in the capillary healed, during which time the redness spread.

I didn't got and see a doctor. I did speak to the UK NHS phoneline, who after asking lots of questions, basically told me not to worry about it as long as it went away after 4 days or so.

I've attached a photo of my eye at its worse. Don't click on it if you don't want to see a close-up shot of a bloody eye !
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 10:22

Sorry, I should've thrown a smily in there. I'm just joshing you. Sorry that didn't come through, I hope the doc fixes you right up.

Posted by: visuvius

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 13:37

no worries

Are they red like they're bloodshot, that is, you can see a web of veins, or are they solid red?

Its more of a webby redness than solid redness -- that would be just plain scary. The weirdest thing though, to me at least, is the fact that it is only the bottom half of each eye.

It could also be a sign of high blood pressure. The capilaries in the eyes are really quite fragile. I don't suppose you've been sneezing a lot? This can burst vessels, too.

I actually havn't been sneezing a lot, but I do have a history of high bp.

cat hair on my pillow did cause a condition with my eye for about 4 days.

Man that sucks Tom. I didn't know a persons allergies could fluctuate that much.

I've attached a photo of my eye at its worse.


I'mana go see the doc on Monday. I'd also just like to say here that HMO's blow.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 16:55

Don't click on it if you don't want to see a close-up shot of a bloody eye !

That's nothing.
Posted by: andym

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 17:08

Don't click on it if you don't want to see a close-up shot of a bloody eye !

That's nothing.

A guy (I knew) at (uni) had one like that once. Said he was punched in the eye by a kitten.

EDIT: Must type slower.....
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Red eyes - 08/04/2005 17:09

You gotta watch out for those kittens. They're wily.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Red eyes - 09/04/2005 02:24

Speaking of cats, a friend of mine has sleep apnia. When she stops breathing, the cat touches her nose. If that doesn't work, it bites her nose. Failing that, the cat sticks it's paw in her mouth. That ALWAYS works. The cool thing is that the cat was never trained to do this, it just does it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Red eyes - 09/04/2005 03:39

Oh that is just so cute.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Red eyes - 09/04/2005 03:45

You know, thinking more about it, maybe it's not so cute.

I mean, think about it. My cat, as sweet as she is, is only a hair's breadth away from wanting to eat me as a meal. The only thing stopping her is the fact that I'm still alive and that I'm bigger than she is. She tastes me all the time, nibbling on my fingertips and chomping down with exactly enough force to almost but not quite break the skin. When she does this, she makes the exact same noises she makes when she wolfs down cat food.

I think that "cute" cat may simply checking to see if her owner is dead or not, so she can decide whether to begin feasting.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Red eyes - 09/04/2005 04:28

Ick.... Now that's a rather disturbing thought. Like I always said, though, If cat's were any bigger, we wouldn't keep them as pets.
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Red eyes - 09/04/2005 15:55

It's not so cute. Cats do have other uses for their paws.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Red eyes - 10/04/2005 11:02

Posted by: cushman

Re: Red eyes - 10/04/2005 11:43

Thats pretty much what my eye looked at it when I got a NAIL stuck in my eye.
Posted by: andym

Re: Red eyes - 10/04/2005 11:51

Thats pretty much what my eye looked at it when I got a NAIL stuck in my eye.

Ooh, I think I remember you talking about that one Not very nice at all....
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Red eyes - 14/04/2005 14:25

So what was (is) it?

Posted by: visuvius

Re: Red eyes - 14/04/2005 16:31

/sigh. So they were red for 2 weeks straight, and then this past weekend they started clearing up -- by the time I saw him Monday they were perfectly fine. He figured it was allergies and gave me a ridiculous amount of Allegra samples to try if the problem comes back. Allergies are weird. At least i'm not freakin people out any more.