What happened to my Tivo

Posted by: msaeger

What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 01:49

Any other series 2 owners that were cursed with the 7.1 update.

Good lord this thing is slow. It was slow before but this is ridiculous. The menus have always been pretty slow but that has gotten even worse and now the video playback is messing up too.

Tivo needs to offer the ability to roll back to the previous version tivo to go isn't worth this.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 02:13

Did this happen recently? Did it happen on DirecTivos?
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 02:18

Did this happen recently? Did it happen on DirecTivos?

Tony, are you kidding? An UPDATE on a DirecTivo? Ha!

- Jon
Posted by: msaeger

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 02:25

It happened recently when I got the tivo to go update. You direct tv owners are lucky you don't get the updates

I should sell the S2 and get a S1 with a bigger drive.
Posted by: phi144

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 08:24

I've experienced the same problems. Very frustrating.
Posted by: djc

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 10:36

Tony, are you kidding? An UPDATE on a DirecTivo? Ha!

Actually, there is a similar update rolling out to DirecTivos. I believe it is version 6.2, and adds folders, sorting, and the dreaded pop-up ads while fast-forwarding. The rollout started in LA, but has been stopped due to problems. Look for it soon...

Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 11:19

ooo, folders! With the HDTivo, that's been a big missing feature.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 12:44

Tony, are you kidding? An UPDATE on a DirecTivo? Ha!

Actually, there is a similar update rolling out to DirecTivos. I believe it is version 6.2, and adds folders, sorting, and the dreaded pop-up ads while fast-forwarding. The rollout started in LA, but has been stopped due to problems. Look for it soon...


Wow, that's amazing. I think this is the really the first new feature to be added to DirecTivo's in years! I think they figure that they have to throw us a bone since they are now forcing more advertising on us...

- Jon
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 13:52

They actually did a bugfix, even on my HDDirecTiVo, a few weeks ago.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 13:54

They actually did a bugfix, even on my HDDirecTiVo, a few weeks ago.

Yep. They've done those, but features? I can't think of any that they've added since I bought my first TiVo 4 years ago(?)

You could argue that HD TiVo is a huge feature, and I'd agree. Functionality wise, if you've been on the DirecTiVo train, you haven't seen much else...

- Jon
Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 16:48

Tony, are you kidding? An UPDATE on a DirecTivo? Ha!

Actually, there is a similar update rolling out to DirecTivos. I believe it is version 6.2, and adds folders, sorting, and the dreaded pop-up ads while fast-forwarding. The rollout started in LA, but has been stopped due to problems. Look for it soon...

Does anyone have any info on this? Like some press release or something? I'd like to tell some people about this.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 16:58


I believe that the only thing we'll really get is folders. I don't trust the notion of speed, and we can already do alpha sorting.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 17:21

Grumble. They list the HD TiVo among the group that's not getting upgraded.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 17:38

Yup. And I'd like folders, but I'm not exactly champing at the bit for them.

Of course, I'm not a big fan of this arbitrary holdback on features. I'd really just like to have HMO so I can watch any TV show from either TiVo (sans the HD stuff).
Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 17:53

That is not cool at all. So does this mean that S1 Tivos will get it? I don't know exactly which model I have right now on my other TV, but I know it's a S1 Tivo. I don't see anything that excludes them.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 18:09

Grumble. They list the HD TiVo among the group that's not getting upgraded.

WTF! I ALWAYS get screwed!

I need my technology fix. What can I buy... :-)

- Jon
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 19:22

Do you have a S1 DTivo? The recent thread on DTivo hacking works for the S2 and gives you folders, HMO, etc. It's been working great and it was free.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 19:26

Do you have a S1 DTivo? The recent thread on DTivo hacking works for the S2 and gives you folders, HMO, etc. It's been working great and it was free.

No, I have the HD TiVo... :-(

- Jon
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 19:47

I have an HD DirecTiVo, which is S2. Do you have a link?
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 19:53

Do you have a S1 DTivo? The recent thread on DTivo hacking works for the S2 and gives you folders, HMO, etc. It's been working great and it was free.

Wait, are you saying that a hack for the HD TiVo will give you folders and HMO??? Really??? I'm guessing that this can be found on DealDatabase and not TiVoCommunity... Checking now!

Ok, according to: http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35554 HMO and folders are NOT available on the HD TiVo.

- Jon
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 20:16

I think you misread that. The question was if the HD software would run on a non-HD box. The answer was yes, but that the HD software does not include folders or HMO.

That doesn't inherently mean that there isn't some hackavailable to enable them. Of course, it doesn't mean that there is, either.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 20:27

I still haven't heard if anyone knows if this DirecTV update will be going to S1 Tivos as well as S2.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 20:30

I think you misread that. The question was if the HD software would run on a non-HD box. The answer was yes, but that the HD software does not include folders or HMO.

That doesn't inherently mean that there isn't some hackavailable to enable them. Of course, it doesn't mean that there is, either.


- Jon
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 20:40

No. On the upgrade page, it says that "DIRECTV DVR models SONY SAT-T60, PHILIPS DSR6000R, HUGHES GXCEBOT and HR10-250 will not receive the 6.2 software upgrade at this time." That's the three S1 DirecTiVo models, plus the HD one.

If it's not clear, this is only talking about upgrading the DirecTiVos. The S1 SA TiVos have been EOL'd for quite some time now.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 21:04

Yeah, I know that. It's clear, I just didn't know the model of my player, and I didn't know those were all model 1s.

I wish Voom hadn't imploded. It sucks to depend on DirecTV with their screw-overs.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 21:27

DirecTV may be evil, but none of their (surviving) competition appear to be any better. This may well change in the future, of course...
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 14/04/2005 23:01

I have an HD DirecTiVo, which is S2. Do you have a link?

I was referring to [urlhttp://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/234793/an/0/page/2#234793]this thread on the BBS[/url] but I think it only applies to SD DTivos.
Posted by: drakino

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 15/04/2005 04:38

DirecTV may be evil, but none of their (surviving) competition appear to be any better.

Sadly true. Though from a new Dish customer position, you can lease their HD PVR equipment, and most cable companies also lease (usually lease only) their HD PVR. DirecTV you get stuck with the $1000 price tag on a box that I still have no confirmation can or can't support MPEG4.

It looks like I am going to go from the best HD provider (but no PVR) to none at all for a while. Really a shame noone else is willing to adopt some ancient TV standard called HD in any serious way.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 15/04/2005 13:53

I doubt the HD-DirecTiVo will support MPEG4. The zillion dollar question is what the migration strategy will be from the HD-TiVo to the in-house HD box. My bet is that the current HD-TiVo continues to work with the channels that it receives today for several years. The new satellites that are going up will transmit MPEG4 but the old satellites will continue to broadcast their current (non) standard signals.

Why no immediate cut-over? Consider that they have a massive installed base of SD receivers that they clearly cannot change overnight. Further, their HD customers (TiVo or otherwise) have generally invested big bucks to be early adopters. If they have any marketing brains, they'd rather offer incentives (i.e., new channels, new features) to make me want to migrate, rather than telling me that my $1000 box is obsolete and I must migrate.

Which means, if you're satisfied with the current small selection of HD channels (HD-HBO, HD-Showtime, etc.) plus whatever HD you can pick up with an OTA antenna, then the current HD TiVo should be safe to purchase. If you want HD locals and you need them from the satellite (i.e., your OTA reception sucks), or you want TiVo features like HMO that they're only promising on the "new" in-house HD boxes, then you're going to want the new, as-yet-vaporware solution. Since my OTA reception is pretty good and I can live without HMO, I'm okay with where I'm at.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: What happened to my Tivo - 15/04/2005 14:12

Well said. Too bad ABC in my area sucks in terms of reception, even though the information I've been able to gather says it should be just as strong as the others, and the same distance away. Grr. The only local I wish we could get is PBS, which decided to put their HD transmitters about an hour south of DC. Why? Who knows? But we'd have to have two antennas to get all the local HD channels.