Numark iPod DJ Mixer. Huh.

Posted by: matthew_k

Numark iPod DJ Mixer. Huh. - 14/04/2005 18:29

This caught my eye this morning. A nonworking prototype of a portable MP3 DJ deck made by Numark. It could probably use some firmware development.

Posted by: DWallach

Re: Numark iPod DJ Mixer. Huh. - 14/04/2005 20:40

I've tried hooking an iPod into a standard DJ mixer in the past, but I now do all my DJing with a combination of iTunes (for browsing/searching with my laptop's internal speakers) and Winamp (playing to the house from an external USB sound card). If you need beat matching and whatnot, then you can buy expensive software with all of that built in. It's much, much easier to DJ from a big laptop screen than a tiny iPod screen.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: Numark iPod DJ Mixer. Huh. - 14/04/2005 23:05

I'd have to agree with you on the "why" element of this. A laptop seems like it'd be much easiler to deal with, and DJ's aren't the type of people who complain about carrying a few extra pounds around.

The main point of my post was to imply that a certain person familiar with the developent of mp3 player firmware recently went to work for Numark.

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Numark iPod DJ Mixer. Huh. - 15/04/2005 02:39

I'd have to agree with you on the "why" element of this

Why? Because it's *iPod*. Take an existing idea, add iPod to it, and *whoosh* it's, like, so much cooler!

I'm a borderline Apple zealot, but the utterly undeserved hype the iPod gets bothers the hell out of me.