Hard drive Click of Death on Windows

Posted by: TigerJimmy

Hard drive Click of Death on Windows - 27/04/2005 03:57

Hi everyone,

I know there are some hard disk experts on this BBS. I have a windows disk that is making the dreaded click of death noise. Does this drive need replacing, or is it possible to map out bad sections, or whatever?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by: Shonky

Re: Hard drive Click of Death on Windows - 27/04/2005 07:11

Copy everything important off immediately. I would hope you have already.

As you say "click of death". They are usually very fatal (if there's a difference between fatal and very fatal). I've never had a drive recovere after any sort of low level format etc once the click happens....
Posted by: jmwking

Re: Hard drive Click of Death on Windows - 27/04/2005 10:26

There's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Mostly dead: He's slightly alive. All dead, well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do.

What's that?

Go through his clothes and look for loose change.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Hard drive Click of Death on Windows - 27/04/2005 13:42

And just to clarify, the clicking has nothing to do with Windows. A failing hard disk is a failing hard disk. None of them last forever. How old is yours?