Can you escape the crimson room?

Posted by: JaBZ

Can you escape the crimson room? - 28/04/2005 22:29

You will need to google something at one point in the game
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 28/04/2005 23:04

Great, there goes my entire night.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 28/04/2005 23:16

Wow, that hurts! Kind of like the old game Myst.

I was stuck forever at 12 items, but finally got it. Thanks for the Google tip.

Did you leave your email address?
Posted by: ricin

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 28/04/2005 23:28
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 28/04/2005 23:57

Odd, the game is crashing my computer. Seems to be quickly draining my resources, slowing my machine to a crawl. Did that in IE, just plain old killed Netscape after 10 minutes. Odd...

Just have to play fast, I guess.
Posted by: JaBZ

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 03:11

Ahhhh crap I knew I should have searched for 'Frustrating Japanese puzzle' :P

Anyway have a go at the sequel
and the blue chamber
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 12:53

Yup. Continues to be a stupid puzzle. I love the way once you get the safe open, if you look away, it closes and you have to sit thru the damn video again.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 13:08

The sequel would probably be easier if I could read Japanese.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 16:39

Okay, I finished the Viridian Room one and played it again to see if I could get a different outcome. When I played it the second time, the text was in English. What's the deal with that?

On the other hand, the "game" was more of the same. At least it didn't have the problem of resetting states, or clicking on arbitrary points. But it did have similar problems with it being difficult to find stuff that should be easy to find and with having to do things in a specific order dictated only by the game's unwritten rules and not based on any logic, internal or external.

At least the ending is even less satisfying.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 16:49

I can't help but keep thinking about this. Allthough it's much more upbeat
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 20:12

What's it called when I use the link I get an error.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 29/04/2005 20:37

Weird, it works fine for me. It's just the listing for Silent Hill 4.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Can you escape the crimson room? - 30/04/2005 00:39

Ahh ok. Now it works for me of coure before I was getting an error about my ip being banned for some reason.