Rotating forum avatars

Posted by: AndrewT

Rotating forum avatars - 05/08/2005 23:06

A friend has asked me to help him with a rotating forum avatar - that's my description and not his!

On a particular forum, he wants to specify in his user profile his avatar as http://some_php_host/avatar.jpg and have that web host deliver one of about 5 avatars at random or simply have them rotated in a pseudo-random manner.

I've done a bit of Googling and I keep on getting explanations on how to rotate banner ads and the suchlike, none of which is really what he wants.

Bearing in mind that I'm pretty much a php novice, can anyone here suggest something ready-made that more or less just needs uploading and configuring, please?

In an ideal world, there would also be a simple avatar upload interface too, but that really is the icing on the cake!
Posted by: ricin

Re: Rotating forum avatars - 05/08/2005 23:57

Funny you should mention this. I am in the process of doing a simple avatar manager site that allows rotating avatars and such. That might not be up for a bit, though.

The one I have for my avatar is very simple; it just gets a list of files in a directory and randomly picks one to return. OK, well, it's a little more complicated than that, but either way the PHP for it is simple. I'll see about cleaning it up if you want it.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Rotating forum avatars - 08/08/2005 22:17

Oooh, yes please. That sounds exactly what I'm looking for. It perhaps also gives me an everso gentle introduction into php, which is long overdue!