Victoria's Secret

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 16:17

[standup comedian voice]I mean seriously, do they need to send five catalogs to my house each week? They have to be responsible for more paper use than most magazine or newspaper companies![/voice]

I wish I was exagerating at five. And I wish I was stressed about the paper instead of my wife's credit card use!
Posted by: Robotic

Re: Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 16:28

Heh- Bobby Slayton does a great bit about Victoria's Secret- wish I could spend the time to look for more quotes:
"You wear that to bed, it only reminds us of the women in the catalogue we're not sleeping with!"
"That's Victoria's Secret, right there- the real secret: How are you going to fit your fat @ss into that?!?"
Brutal comedy.
Posted by: loren

Re: Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 16:51

Are you seriously complaining that your wife is spending a lot of money at Victoria Secret!?!?
Posted by: andym

Re: Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 19:31

Are you seriously complaining that your wife is spending a lot of money at Victoria Secret!?!?

Depends what his wife looks like.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 20:03

Are you seriously complaining that your wife is spending a lot of money at Victoria Secret!?!?

Depends what his wife looks like.

hehe. No, my wife is hot and NO she's not reading over my shoulder right now. But guys, we're talking drawers and drawers full of this stuff! And half of the orders are way over-priced shoes, etc.

One cataloger a week should do.
Posted by: Laura

Re: Victoria's Secret - 27/09/2005 23:27

They believe that if they send you enough catalogs it will create more impulse buying and it does. I throw mine away now so I'm not tempted.
Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Victoria's Secret - 28/09/2005 02:09

I thought the secret was how they make all that silicon jiggle in the commercials?
You mean the catalogs are meant to SHOP with?

Seriously my wife spent 40 bucks on creams!!! I mean a big can of GoJo is only 12 bucks and lasts a year!!!

I am glad she shops at VS. Really...VS sexy or K-mart tell me...
Posted by: loren

Re: Victoria's Secret - 28/09/2005 04:19

Ohhhhh... I forgot there are other things in there besides skivvies.