Axis and Allies (Revised)

Posted by: JeffS

Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 19:55

Well, I just got an early Christmas present from my sister. I haven't played this game in years (all night sessions in college come to mind), and I'm not sure if I'll be able to find anyone else interested- still I'm pretty excited. My buddies in college and I used to have so much fun playing it. I had the PC game, but it was garbage, locking up half the time and way too easy.

What amazes me about the game my sister got me is that they revised the rules. That seems a pretty dicey move, and yet most of the changes seem to be very good and make the game more fun. I haven't yet played it, but from looking at reviews online it seems just about everyone approves of the changes, which is actually very suprising to me. How often can you mess with a classic and get approval for doing it?

At any rate, does any one else here play A&A? Or have we all outgrown playing 3-5 hour boardgamming sessions? I'm afriad I probably have, but I'm sure I'll get at least one nostalgic game in . . .
Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 20:19

I love both Axis & Allies and Risk. Our tradition is to get together with the fam in Pennsylvania on New Year's Eve and pull an all-nighter over the game board. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it this year, so I guess I'll have to resort to a Age of Empires III LAN game with a buddy.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 20:43

Have you played the revised edition yet?
Posted by: visuvius

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 20:59

I've never played Axis and Allies but my friends and I are pretty into Risk. We initially played regular Risk but then we got into the Lord of the Rings version. Man o man is it fun. Games usually last about 4 hours or so. The LOTR version has all sorts of interesting twists. If you're into the regular version, you should check it out.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 21:25

I used to play Risk, but once I got hooked on A&A I never went back- A&A is a more involved but also more satifying, IMHO. The consequence to this was I pretty muched stopped playing these games all together since it gets hard to find people who like A&A.

I'll have to check out the LOTR version of Risk, though. The group my wife and I play games with might be willing to try that out, even if they wouldn't be into the regular version of Risk.
Posted by: elperepat

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 22/10/2005 21:31

I did play A&A when I was in high school! It was fun. But as we were playing only on weekend evenings, games often lasted 2 to 3 weeks. The board just stayed on the living room table the whole week, waiting for the combat to begin again the next weekend.

I moved out of town after high school. The other players continue to play with various add-ons. They said it is even more fun with the add-ons than the original game.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 23/10/2005 04:14

They said it is even more fun with the add-ons than the original game.
A lot of what they put into the revised edition is the add-ons people added to the game over the years (such as 2 hit destroyers). They also included some optional "handicapp" add-ons to spice the game up or bolster weaker players. All of these optional ideas are rooted in historical concepts, though (Such as the Russian winter).

One of the big changes they added to the game is to essentially make it impossible for Russia to defeat Germany right out of the gate, which was a 50/50 possibility in the origional game if Russia tried a (dangerous) all out offensive. In fact, people started playing with the add-on that Russia couldn't attack Germany during the first turn. The new game doesn't have that rule, but takes a little more ground away from Russia so that an all out offensive is not possible.

I did just play with my wife and sister- my sister faded fast but my wife really enjoyed it- suprising to me. After a 5 hour game I don't know how long it'll be before she's willing to go again, though!
Posted by: drakino

Re: Axis and Allies (Revised) - 24/10/2005 01:21

Now that one of my friends has opened up his own gaming store, interest in board games is starting to rise with the rest of my friends. So far we haven't started in on anything, but there seems to be a wide variety of games out there.

One card game we picked up on quickly though is Fluxx. It's a simple game for anyone to pick up, as the basic rule is "draw one, play one". Games can last anywhere from 2 minutes to probably 30, so it's usually a quick pace game.