VPNs in USA not allowed?

Posted by: rowitech

VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 07:26


I'm CTO of a company located in Nevada. We spread our satellites (linux-clusters) in many countries. To have a secure connection to the master system we'd like to set up secure VPNs (e.g. ipsec). First I'm happy of any hint for this (we are using debian, an apt-get solution would be great). Second but not less important I've heard that encrypted connections aren't allowed in un the USA. But what else shall I do? I don't believe that all the copmpanies there don't secure their interconnections...

Rolf (from Germany)
Posted by: sein

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 09:50

I have been using OpenVPN, which is available on apt. Very happy with it, it wasn't too hard for my simple mind to set up, and has been working very reliably. There is a lot of help about for it as well, which is always important. Recommend it.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 10:34

Some internet providers block VPN traffic for some (usually residential) customers to force higher priced access packages to the customers who need VPN. There is no 'country wide' standard or block on VPN in the US. My company uses VPN for our remote telemarketing staff.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 10:59

It is nearly trivial to configure a static IPSEC setup, and only somewhat more complex for dynamic "dial-in" style support. But most of the existing Linux FAQs on this are either out-of-date (pre-2.6 kernel days) or overly complex in their explanations.

But this one is really well written. Just walk through the examples given, trying them between any two machines, and you'll be an expert in no time.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 13:22

encrypted connections aren't allowed in un the USA

Untrue. The only limits on encryption in the US are on exporting encryption technology, and that's been hobbled a lot within the last five-to-ten years. As a user, it's nothing to be concerned about. You might get in some hot water if you had a VPN tunnel pointed at Cuba or Syria, though.
Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 24/10/2005 13:32

One caveat about Linux "native IPSEC" (the 2.6 kernel stuff), is that it is broken when the IPSEC endpoint is also a NAT gateway. Eg. single machine as firewall, NAT, and IPSEC gateway -- No issues with ESP, but "transport mode AH" doesn't work at all.

There are patches for this, though, which fix the problem. But who uses "transport mode AH" over the internet, anyway??

Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 26/10/2005 04:21


I knew that I could count on you. Exactly what I hoped to hear. So now we can set up the VPNs (Cuba and Syria isn't our main destination, so there should be no problem) and I know how I can set this up due to the readme...

Thank you!

Now something about our pizzaboxes:
We want wo cover the world with small clusters which take the SIP calls. But we need a secure connection especially for the database cluster (MySQL replication) for this Asterisk cluster. And for my final degree I made VoIPonCD, an Asterisk CD you can throw into a fresh PC and this will install Debian and Asterisk and all the needed stuff. Now I want to change this a bit so we can use this for dedicated (rented) servers. I don't want to fly around the world and put some heavy servers into the racks, better just renting them and put the VoIP on it, this will happen in just 10 minutes to set up a machine in a cluster.

I thought to use Empegs for this cluster part but I definitely will not pull my loved empeg out ot my car :-). But I'm sure my Empeg would be able to do everything or nearly everything :-).

I know here are very wise guys so I'd be pleased to hear a statement again. The idea was to implement the ipsec right into the software so on a dedicated rented server I just have to scp my main script and start it at the commandline, including the setup of the ipsec tunnel.

Posted by: SuperQ

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 26/10/2005 04:58

I'll second the vote for OpenVPN, because it's simple, and useful compared to the insanity of setting up ipsec. It also has nice features like forwarding ethernet frames if you really need that kind of transparency.
Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 26/10/2005 16:06


Oh, I suppose your pizza boxes will likely want/need to be using IPSec "tunnel mode". That is also described in more or less plain language at the same link I gave earlier, a couple of Next clicks further on. But don't skip pages as you read on to that point..

Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 22/11/2005 11:29

Now time has come to decide whether I shall use IPsec or OpenVPN. Seems like OpenVPN is much easier to handle than IPsec, but IPsec is a standard and even my router can handle this.

Can somebody give me the right direction?

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 22/11/2005 16:03

Personally, I don't see any real advantage to OpenVPN over IPsec. "Easier to configure" and "works across NAT" seem to be their list of advantages for OpenVPN, but I don't see the first as a huge issue, and you can get IPsec to work over NAT, too.
Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 26/11/2005 10:48

Ok, I have fixed IPs everywhere so no issues with NAT. If I could imagine how much work it might be to set up an IPsec VPN I could decide, but never did this. It's for Debian servers, especially for MySQL-Connections (replication) across the internet.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 26/11/2005 14:09

Ok, I have fixed IPs everywhere so no issues with NAT. If I could imagine how much work it might be to set up an IPsec VPN I could decide, but never did this. It's for Debian servers, especially for MySQL-Connections (replication) across the internet.


Again, it's downright trivial to setup IPSEC with fixed IP addresses. See the link I posted earlier.

Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 05:38

>trivial to setup IPSEC with fixed IP addresses

Just wrote this down to a post it an put it at my monitor. Keeping your words in mind it should work. I'll try it today, yes today is the great day. Keep fingers crossed it will work as expected.

Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 10:59

Ok, decision is done. IPSec is the loser...

>But this one is really well written. Just walk through the examples given, trying them between any two machines, and you'll be an expert in no time.

Well, maybe you forgot that I got the first prize for the worst install of an Empeg in 2003. Also some hours of reading didn't make me feel better in IPSec (an I can tell about me that I'm not really the worst in networking). Anyway, it didn't make me happy.

Then, after maybe 4 hours of reading and brainstorming I decided to try out OpenVPN and this got me smiling just as soon as you can open the vi editor... It took me 0.32 seconds to understand OpenVPN for a bad quick and dirty but working solution.

I use debian so I don't want to comile all the stuff again:

apt-get install openvpn
openvpn --genkey --secret static.key
vi server.conf

Put this in:

dev tun
secret static.key

Save and copy the staic.key to the client machine.
Then, on the client machine:

apt-get install openvpn
vi client.conf

Put in:

remote server.rowi.net
dev tun
secret static.key

Save and:

openvpn client.conf

That's it! If the kernel has a TUN device (which almost should be), everything works and you can ping and pong from to .2.

Just wanted to let you know. Comments welcome. Maybe I'll switch to IPSec but OpenVPN worked smarter.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 12:57

Way too complicated!

Here's how to do it with IPsec: Just run this script once after boot, on each machine:

PASSKEY="1234567890123456" ## replace with something more secure
SK="/usr/sbin/setkey -c"

echo -n "Clearing ipsec configuration.. "
$SK <<-EOF

[ "$action" = "stop" ] && exit

echo "Enabling ipsec.. "
$SK <<-EOF
add $IP1 $IP2 ah 15700 -A hmac-md5 "$PASSKEY";
add $IP2 $IP1 ah 15701 -A hmac-md5 "$PASSKEY";
spdadd $IP1 $IP2 any -P out ipsec ah/transport//require;
spdadd $IP2 $IP1 any -P out ipsec ah/transport//require;
spdadd $IP1 $IP2 any -P in ipsec ah/transport//require;
spdadd $IP2 $IP1 any -P in ipsec ah/transport//require;

Now the two machines can communcate securely, using just their regular exposed IP addresses. Appropriate firewall rules are still required to block the rest of the universe.

An improved variation on this, would be to replace [EDIT:] "ah/transport" with "esp/transport" on the above lines.. I didn't have an example of that handy here.
Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 13:53

Ok, that's indeed impressive. Nevertheless it looks like I have to cook a new kernel due to this message:

racoon - IKE keying daemon will not be started as /proc/net/pfkey is not
available or a suitable 2.6 (or 2.4 with IPSEC backport)
kernel with af_key.[k]o module is not installed.

I use a standard Debian kernel:
Linux sip3 #5 Mon Nov 21 16:18:18 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

AFAIK the IPSec _can_ be compiled into the kernel but it may be that it isn't. I want to use rented machines for this and it will be hard work to give all those machines a new kernel. Hoped it would match all 2.6 kernel but this perhaps is not true.

Nevertheless it is very very interesting here so please don't give up! I'm filling my brain with all of your postings.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 14:25

Just nuke all of that Racoon nonsense -- Racoon is only needed if you are NOT using static IP addresses everywhere. EDIT: or the warnings can be gotten rid of by doing modprobe af_key beforehand.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 14:28

You can test for IPsec (for ipv4) by doing: modprobe ah4 ; modprobe esp4
If no messages appear (in shell window), then IPSec is present in the kernel.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 14:35

To elaborate on Racoon, it is a daemon to manage/validate certificates and the like for dynamic IPsec connections from random IP addresses. This is normally needed, and makes things much more complicated.

But for simple, static IP addresses, Racoon is neither needed nor used, and the whole deal gets very simple as a result.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 15:01

Here is another example, this time extending the earlier script to use "esp" instead of "ah". This allows the packets to pass through NAT and non-compliant routers and such. If that's not a concern, then an even better setup would be to combine both AH and ESP.

if [ "$ENCAP" = "ah" ]; then
CRYPT="-A hmac-md5"
else ## "esp"
CRYPT="-E 3des-cbc"
SK="/usr/sbin/setkey -c"

echo "Clearing ipsec configuration.. "
$SK <<-EOF

[ "$action" = "stop" ] && exit

echo "Enabling ipsec.. "
$SK <<-EOF
add esp 15701 -E 3des-cbc "123456789012123456789012";
add $IP1 $IP2 $ENCAP 15700 $CRYPT "$PASSKEY";
add $IP2 $IP1 $ENCAP 15701 $CRYPT "$PASSKEY";
spdadd $IP1 $IP2 any -P out ipsec $ENCAP/transport//require;
spdadd $IP2 $IP1 any -P out ipsec $ENCAP/transport//require;
spdadd $IP1 $IP2 any -P in ipsec $ENCAP/transport//require;
spdadd $IP2 $IP1 any -P in ipsec $ENCAP/transport//require;
Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 15:51

Ok, I gave it a try...

18:45:10.545802 IP ding.rowi.net > dong.rowi.net: ESP(spi=0x00003d54,seq=0x46), length 88
0x0000: 4500 006c 0007 4000 3832 b251 5558 060b [Email][email protected]..[/Email]
0x0010: 5410 e094 0000 3d54 0000 0046 6688 9675 T.....=T...Ff..u
0x0020: 4004 3205 b8c0 5a09 48c4 cd3a a791 c201 @.2...Z.H..:....
0x0030: 3f3b 63cf bfab abfd 2580 e29b e134 90a2 ?;c.....%....4..
0x0040: 3644 9b08 d5ad 21e6 aebc 570b 1721 1787 6D....!...W..!..
0x0050: 5da3 ].

Hmm, looks like there is something working. Does the modprobe work on 2.6 kernels, too? It just worked so I have one 2.4 and one 2.6 running, without any error message.

Pings to each other reaches the other host (snipplet above) but ping obviously won't be decrypted. Am I right to switch the IP addresses IP1 and IP2 in the scripts for the other host or do I have to start the scripts exactly as it is on one host at the other (without any changes)?
[EDIT: Now I edited the script at ONE server, copied it to the other server and - it seems to work. But now neither tcpdump nor iptraf see packets between these two machines, a good sign?]

What if I need one Server and 100 clients? Is this a strict P2P configuration due to the 2 IP-addresses?


P.S.: Ok, maybe IPSec works well, too. Sounds good at this time.
Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 30/11/2005 16:18

Ok, I gave it a try...

18:45:10.545802 IP ding.rowi.net > dong.rowi.net: ESP(spi=0x00003d54,seq=0x46), length 88
Pings to each other reaches the other host (snipplet above) but ping obviously won't be decrypted.

tcpdump et al. will show the encrypted packets, but the actual echo reply that the ping command gets back will be decrypted before delivery to the ping command. Try an NFS mount, while you're at it -- everything in the middle is encrypted, but you can still browse files etc.. as if it were all just regular TCP/IP.


Am I right to switch the IP addresses IP1 and IP2 in the scripts for the other host or do I have to start the scripts exactly as it is on one host at the other (without any changes)?

No, just run the original script as-is on both ends. It does do a little extra work, but is designed to be used without having to edit/flip the IP addresses around.


What if I need one Server and 100 clients? Is this a strict P2P configuration due to the 2 IP-addresses?\

Then parameterize the script, so that you can invoke it once from each client with the appropriate client IP + server IP address pairs, and so you can run it 100 times on the server, once for each client IP.

And so long as you are not traversing NAT anywhere on the path, you should probably use BOTH ah and esp for maximum security. ah guarantees tamper-proof IP headers, whereas esp is just encrypting the payloads.

Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 01/12/2005 16:50

Seems to work between 2 machines, but as I started the script again at the server with the configuration for the second client and started the same script at the second client they couldn't communicate between each other at all.

Due to the circumstance that this really was our live server and the client was a live server, too, I didn't know to help me but to reboot both machines. Ok, I'm still CTO of this company, but if I do this a second time I may need a new place to work...

Obviously it's not good to start the same script more than once at the server. What did I wrong? And how do I switch everything back without rebooting the whole machine?

Wow, what a day.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 01/12/2005 19:18

Well, obviously this part (below) should only be done once on the server, as it wipes out the ipsec config each time it is run..

echo "Clearing ipsec configuration.. "
$SK <<-EOF
Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 01/12/2005 19:20

You could rearrange your script around it, to do something like this:

if [ "$action" = "stop" ]; then
echo "Clearing ipsec configuration.. "
$SK <<-EOF
Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 01/12/2005 19:23

And this part will also need to be adapted for more than two machines:

add $IP1 $IP2 $ENCAP 15700 $CRYPT "$PASSKEY";
add $IP2 $IP1 $ENCAP 15701 $CRYPT "$PASSKEY";

Those numbers (15700, 15701) are the "Security Parameter Index" values, and should probably be unique for each IP/IP combination/order. And I think they still have to match between the server's entries and the remote entries. Any script you use would have to take that into account as well.

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 01/12/2005 19:26


add esp 15701 -E 3des-cbc "123456789012123456789012"

The line above is a "stray" (left over from editing.. duh), and should not be there.
Posted by: rowitech

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 02/12/2005 06:51

I'll try this out asap. Thank you very much, Mark.
While reading I had something in mind: Why couldn't we start a "EmpegBBS Company"? With all the knowledge of all the Empeg-people on the BBS we could even be better than any other company in the world :-).

Posted by: mlord

Re: VPNs in USA not allowed? - 02/12/2005 12:36

Heh.. But now that we know you have about 101 machines, perhaps Racoon could simplify life here. I don't know much about that, though.
